Last week an IL GOP committee named Darby Hills the new 26th District State Senator. Is Darby Hills a Republican? Absolutely. If not, why was she summarily also given an open precinct committeeman slot?
A true unsung hero, the precinct committeeperson is the heart and soul of any political organization. And the Chair of the Lake County GOP appointed Darby Hills to serve ...
an open Republican precinct committee post in Ela Township. Hills lives in nearby Cuba Township, but appointees to precinct posts don't need to live in the precincts they serve.So, who is Darby Hills? Nobody knows. What does a State Senator do? Nobody knows. Coincidence? You decide:
Darby Hills' appointment to state Senate on hold as Republicans reopen applications for McConchie's seat
One thing is known -- and that would be what a Lake County Republican committeeman does. According to the Lake County GOP ...
As we get closer to an election our committeemen work hard to support our Republican ticket, by knocking on doors, making phone calls, hosting candidates, and putting up yard signs. There are so many way our committeemen support our local Republicans!Note to Ops: Be sure to wear sensible shoes before going out to plant those yardsigns next November.
Become a Precinct Committeeperson
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