Monday, March 10, 2025


Not to be outdone by Donald Trump who annexed our 51st state, Canada, Lake County welcomes its newest municipality, Arlington Heights.

Who knew the Village of Arlington Heights was in Lake County? Not your LakeCountyEye:

Of course, now that Arlington Heights is a Lake County community, the Lake County GOP is embroiled in a campaign finance controversy:
An Arlington Heights trustee candidate faces a formal complaint alleging she accepted campaign contributions exceeding limits set by the village code. The campaign committee for Michele Hunter received in-kind contributions of $6,353.86 and $1,406.22 on Jan. 17 from the Illinois Republican Party for mailing and printing, according to disclosures filed with the Illinois State Board of Elections.
Complaint claims Arlington Heights trustee candidate violated donation limits
This is not the first Lake County Republican candidate to run afoul of campaign finance laws:
Sly Finance
The official response from the Village of Arlington Heights? Nothing to see here, move along:
Arlington Heights village trustee candidate Michele Hunter didn't violate local campaign finance rules, an investigation by the village attorney determined. But village board members Monday still argued about whether Hunter needs to further amend her campaign committee's filings with state elections officials.
Arlington Heights trustee candidate cleared in campaign finance probe
One Lake County watchdog said: "Arlington Heights proves that the Lake County GOP is making their calls from the Cook County machine playbook."

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