Saturday, March 1, 2025

Succession 3.0

Perhaps under the mistaken assumption that Groundhog Day repeats itself through the entire month of February, the IL GOP met once again to select a new District 26 State Senator. And precisely as predicted by your LakeCountyEye ...
Succession 2.0
Martin McLaughlin was chosen once again to serve the remainder of former State Senator Dan McConchie's term.

Backbench State Rep Martin McLaughlin was indeed chosen again, but with one asterisk. That asterisk being Darby Hills was chosen again to serve out the term:
For the second time in a month, Barrington Hills Trustee Darby Hills has been named the new state senator for the 26th District — but her selection remains the target of court action.
Darby Hills chosen — again — to succeed Dan McConchie in state Senate
Who is Darby Hills? Nobody knows.
A spokesman for the GOP committee said: "If for any reason that the new State Senator cannot fulfill her duties, the first runner up, Martin McLaughlin, shall take over. Good luck to the both of you!"