Actual unretouched screencaps from an actual unretouched GOP lit-drop in Lake County:
Your LakeCountyEye checked and 80, 83 and 93 are not the Powerball jackpot winning numbers.
No, it would seen that this Republican Precinct Committeeman and/or Committeeperson has got three precinct numbers: 80, 83 and 91! What up with that?
Perhaps Lake County Clerk Robin O'Connor was overcome by another "technical glitch" when handing out precinct numbers? Or is this merely the sort of disinformation like what you see in the
Lake County Gazette, and coming out of Russian troll farms?
One Lake County Republican spokesman had this to say about the matter: "Look at those inflation numbers. Vote for us."
Your LakeCountyEye will keep you apprised when further developments warrant.