"Screw the NRA."
Conservative Ex Lake County Congressman Joe Walsh was seen on MSNBC last week, favoring gun control legislation.
Parkland Father Launches New 'Dad's For Gun Safety' Campaign | MSNBC
Has Walsh gone off the reservation? Does he want your guns?
More likely, firebrand Joe Walsh is rebranding. While rightwing-MAGA-Trump schtick may play well south of I-80, Illinois is still a blue state. Particularly when your base of operations is the Chicago area. If Walsh, who used to be a radio deejay, is looking to run for higher office, or is simply looking for a job, dialing down the krayzee may be a necessary step.
You heard it here first!
Hi Barney,
The image change didn't work in 1983, for then soon to be ousted Chicago Mayor Jane Byrne. ⊙﹏⊙
Hi Eddie
I remember voting for Walsh when he ran against Byrne in '83.
Hi Barney.
Ha! Walsh never ran against Byrne. (@_@)
Hi Eddie
That would explain why Joe Walsh was never Mayor of Chicago.
Joe Walsh resided in Iowa and couldn't run for mayor of Chicago. (@_@)
hi Eddie
That would be another reason why Walsh did not win.
Hi Barney.
You're funny. *\0/*
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