Thursday, June 24, 2021

Meet the New Walsh

It's no secret that Joe Walsh tends to get a little trigger happy. But this is ridiculous:

"Screw the NRA."

Parkland Father Launches New 'Dad's For Gun Safety' Campaign | MSNBC
Conservative Ex Lake County Congressman Joe Walsh was seen on MSNBC last week, favoring gun control legislation.

Has Walsh gone off the reservation? Does he want your guns?

More likely, firebrand Joe Walsh is rebranding.  While rightwing-MAGA-Trump schtick may play well south of I-80, Illinois is still a blue state.  Particularly when your base of operations is the Chicago area. If Walsh, who used to be a radio deejay, is looking to run for higher office, or is simply looking for a job, dialing down the krayzee may be a necessary step.

You heard it here first!


Eddie said...

Hi Barney,

The image change didn't work in 1983, for then soon to be ousted Chicago Mayor Jane Byrne. ⊙﹏⊙

Barney Baxter said...

Hi Eddie

I remember voting for Walsh when he ran against Byrne in '83.


Eddie said...

Hi Barney.

Ha! Walsh never ran against Byrne. (@_@)

Barney Baxter said...

Hi Eddie

That would explain why Joe Walsh was never Mayor of Chicago.


Eddie said...

Joe Walsh resided in Iowa and couldn't run for mayor of Chicago. (@_@)

Barney Baxter said...

hi Eddie

That would be another reason why Walsh did not win.


Eddie said...

Hi Barney.

You're funny. *\0/*