Monday, July 15, 2019

Loose Women

This week's pop quiz comes courtesy of the Lake County Gazette:
Q: Where do candidates rely most on women in Lake County?
Precinct voter rolls: Where do candidates rely most on women in Lake County?
Those who answered:
A:Wheeling Township Precinct 4
(Cook County)
... are wrong. But you can take an Honorable Mention for giving the same answer provided by the Lake County Gazette:

Precinct voter rolls: Where do candidates rely most on women in Lake County?
Why does the Lake County Gazette (Lake County's #1 fakenews source) want to know where all the reliable women are to be found? Your LakeCountyEye has no idea.
Q: Where do candidates rely most on women in Lake County?
Your LakeCountyEye does know, however, that the correct answer is MARS:
MARS, coincidentally, is where all of the Lake County Gazette news stories come from.

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