Last week Lake County's #1 fakenews source -- the Lake County Gazette -- posted a story critical of State Rep Helene Walsh. But don't bother reading it, the story was quickly killed:
Miller-Walsh's deleted Facebook posts are her opponent's dreamNot to worry. With the expert help of a 400lb hacker sitting on a bed, your LakeCountyEye has been able to resurrect the story:

And just to make sure the search engines can pick it up, here is the text of the story:
Miller-Walsh's deleted Facebook posts are her opponent's dreamNote to Ops: The Internet is forever.
In less than a month on the job, state Rep. Helene Miller Walsh (R-Mundelein) has served up plenty of campaign material to her Democratic opponent Mary Edly-Allen of Libertyville.
For the second time since Mark Shaw, Lake County GOP chairman and co-chair of the Illinois Republican Party, appointed her on August 18 to the 51st House seat vacated by Nick Sauer over charges of sexual misconduct, Walsh has scrambled to delete over-the-top, offensive statements from her Facebook page.
Just yesterday on the anniversary of 9/11, Walsh wrote about the dangers of socialism and globalism “bringing down our government and our duly elected officials in far more insidious ways” than the 2001 attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.
"They come in the form of a pretty young woman (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) or a very old man (Bernie Sanders) who has never worked a 9-5 job preaching a form of government that has been responsible for more human tragedy in all of recorded history,” she wrote. “Or an eloquent former president (Barack Obama) who could never utter the words 'radical Islam' but had no trouble apologizing for the USA at every world stage."
In August, she deleted other posts after the Democrats skewered her.
Nancy Shepherdson, the 6th District Democratic State Central Committeewoman and co-chair of the Illinois 6th District Democrats, said in an August 20 statement that Walsh deleted a July 3 Facebook post about illegal immigrants that stated: “Don't want to be separated from your kids…don't break our laws.”.
“Helene Walsh should be straight with the voters of the 51st District,” Shepherdson said. “If, for instance, she believes that children should be separated from parents who are applying for legal asylum, she shouldn't be afraid to say so.”
At the time of the appointment, Shaw told the Daily Herald that Walsh would not only represent constituents well in the 51st, but would be capable of "putting a campaign together virtually overnight."
He also said that her travels to many parts of Illinois will benefit the legislature.
"She really understands the different viewpoints of people from across the state," Shaw said.
Walsh is married to former Republican Congressman Joe Walsh, an outspoken and controversial evening radio host on WIND AM-560 – he was suspended a few years ago for using the N-word on the air.
The Illinois 51st District stretches from western Mundelein in the north to Vernon Hills, Long Grove and Barrington in the south, with most of Libertyville in its center.
The election is November 6.
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