Did you hear the one about the McHenry County GOP committeeman who posted on his blog his bank account and routing numbers? He wanted to generate some interest in his checking account.
Haha, true story.
No, really. True story this time.
It is a marvel of the Internet: anyone can go online and buy just about anything with nothing more than their bank account numbers. An
ACH payment is made, electronically, transferring money from buyer to seller.
Note to Ops: guard your bank account numbers like your credit card numbers. Or you could end up like the McHenry County Township Highway Commissioners Assoc -- and one day discover your bank account numbers posted on the
Your LakeCountyEye has learned there is a cancelled check image from the McHenry County Township Highway Commissioners Assoc on the
McHenryCountyBlog. And the bank account numbers are plainly visible:

It is not for nothing that the
McHenryCountyBlog is known for being the sunshine blog!
With numbers like those, any unscrupulous
McHenryCountyBlog reader could go online and buy additional guns. Or his prescription opioids. Or
Stormy Daniels videos. Or whatnot.
See for yourself. Your LakeCountyEye blurred the numbers on the check image above, but the actual unretouched picture can be seen here:
Xmas Gifts Listed on Algonquin Township Credit Card
This bears repeating: Anyone can fraudulently obtain goods and services on the Internet.
But that would be wrong.