There are No Do-Overs in Lifenever appealed his property taxes.
Haha, does anyone in Lake County know what the true assessed value of their home really should be? It would appear not, because everyone is appealing their assessment. And by everyone, your LakeCountyEye means everyone enough to overwhelm the system. According to the Daily Herald ...
The Lake County Board of Review is seeking additional members to assist with property tax assessment appeal hearings from July through November. Appointees are paid $250 per full day. Eligible applicants must have experience and training in property appraisal and taxes, and pass an Illinois Department of Revenue exam to be given at 9 a.m. April 12, at the Kane County Government Center, 719 Batavia Ave. Geneva. Visit www.revenue.state.il.us for review materials. Seating is limited.Note to Ops: $250 a day is nothing to sneeze at. At full-time rates that works out to sixty-five grand a year. Of course they don't make it easy to get on board -- you need to go to Geneva (Illinois) and pass an assessor's exam.
Lake County seeks help with tax appeals
One spokesman, however, offered some helpful tips to applicants: "If you don't have transportation to Geneva, there is always Uber. And if you don't think you will pass, you can always ask your driver to take the exam for you. Also, if that driver passes, he can sit on the review board for you -- and you can turn that extra free-time into extra cash by driving for Uber!"
A win-win for everyone by your LakeCountyEye's reckoning.
With every bad assessment, the assessors in Lake County justify new hires like these.
Why doesn't the State fine county and township assessors for every flagrantly wrong assessment they make and insist to impose against tax payers, whether the crap assessment be in favor or not in favor of the tax payer? The fine should go directly against the assessors' salaries or pensions.
Only after personal accountability is instilled and enforced against local assessors will the crap assessments stop and the need for more tax appeal personnel be reduced.
Until then, expect more of the same from the crooks in public office.
Hi Anons,
The consolidated election is April 4. And every Township officeholder is on the ballot.
This is your opportunity to throw the bums out.
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