Maybe the press is too focused on Hillary's emails and Trump's newest outrage, but you'd think Wasting Taxpayer Dollars would get some MSM ears pricked up. But no. Crickets. So the Lake County Eye has the honor of breaking this story. Enjoy.
Palatine Committeeman Files Taxpayer Complaint Against Rep. Peter Roskam
A legal complaint against Rep. Peter Roskam (R-6th) was filed Tuesday by Palatine Township Committeeman Matt Flamm. The complaint concerns a taxpayer-paid (“franked”) mailing that Rep. Roskam sent the first week of October. Such mailings are prohibited within 90 days of an officeholder's election by the Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards, with whom the complaint was filed.
“Our representatives in Congress should not be allowed to use taxpayer money to promote themselves to voters this close to the election,” said Flamm. “These rules are in place for a reason – to prevent Congressmen from taking advantage of their position to waste our taxpayer dollars promoting themselves right before an election.”
The mailing used Rep. Roskam's signature instead of postage and specifically notes on its face that the mailer was “prepared, published and mailed at taxpayer expense.”
The Sixth Congressional District covers part of five counties in the west and northwest suburbs including DuPage, Cook, Lake, McHenry and Kane. Flamm is a resident of the Sixth Congressional District and filed the complaint as a constituent of Roskam's.
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