Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Comic Con

Fanatic fans of The Family Circus, Hi & Lois, Mary Worth, Garfield can all rejoice. Your opportunity to dress up in public as your favorite comicbook superhero has arrived. Lake County's Comic Con is on -- and will go all weekend.

The News-Sun has the details ...
When: Aug. 26, 27, 28
Where: Lake County Fairgrounds Convention Center, 1060 E. Peterson Road, Grayslake
Tickets: $5-$7 daily; $10 for three-day pass; free for active military and kids 12 and younger

Count-I-Con adds '80s dance, zombie walk
Note to attendees: costumes are optional but you are advised to know your superheroes. Who wants to say hello to the Swamp Thing, only to be told later that you were chatting up the Man Thing? Not your LakeCountyEye!

For that reason, your LakeCountyEye has assembled a cheat sheet of Lake County's most popular costumed crime-fighters. There are only 10 -- all easy to memorize:
Lake County's 10 All-Time Greatest
Comic Book Characters

  1. Stimpson J Cat

  2. Bullwinkle J Moose

  3. Homer J Simpson

  4. Elmer J Fudd

  5. John J Fadoozle

  6. Wolf J Flywheel

  7. Cuthbert J Twillie

  8. Phineas J Whoopee

  9. Sheldon J Plankton

  10. Donald J Trump
Look for the notorious D J LakeCountyEye, mixing it up.


Anonymous said...

I am surprised you don't get more comments. I do appreciate your humorous posts. Lake county doesn't have much of a sense of humor I guess.

Barney Baxter said...

hi Anon,

Thanks for the kudos.

Comments are always welcome!
