The News-Sun has the backstory:
While a proposed Memorial Day weekend concert series at Waukegan Municipal Beach remains in the concept stages, opposition was voiced at this week's City Council meeting to one of the possible performers mentioned earlier this month by Mayor Wayne Motley: outspoken rocker Ted Nugent. "If Ted Nugent comes to Waukegan, as the chair of the Lake County Black Lives Matter movement, I will contact every chapter from California to New York, and we'll have the biggest protest in Waukegan you have ever seen," Zion resident Clyde McLemore told the council on Tuesday.Ted Nugent, as Operatives know, was frontman for the Amboy Dukes -- the one-hit-wonder 60s psychedelic band. Their anthem to psychotropic substances is nodoubt #1 on the playlist of anyone who was alive in the 1960s (and with only sketchy recollections to prove it):
Protest threatened if Ted Nugent performs at Waukegan music festival
It's the land unknown to man,The demand for drug-soaked nostalgia rock'n'roll may be on the decline, however, because the 67 year old Nugent has transitioned to a new career. The former teen-idol is now a successful insult comic:
Where fantasy is fact.
So if you can, please understand
You might not come back.
Come along if you care,
Come along if you dare,
Take a ride to the land inside of your mind.
Journey to the Center of the Mind
Ted Nugent on Barack Obama:It is unknown if Ted Nugent will headline the Waukegan music festival this summer. If he does, look for your LakeCountyEye -- clad with love beads and a peace medallion.
The "Piece Of S**t" should "Suck On My Machine Gun."
Ted Nugent on Hilary Clinton:
"Toxic C**t"
Ted Nugent on Gays:
"How Can We Offend Guys That Actually Have A**l Sex?"
Ted Nugent on Undocumented Immigrants:
"I'd Like To Shoot Them Dead."
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