More than 50,000 vehicles pass through the intersection of routes 12 and 120 in Lakemoor every day. Village officials need 50 of those drivers to get caught by red-light cameras and pay $100 fines to hit this year's $1.8 million revenue target. That's 36 percent of Lakemoor's total expected income for this year.Your LakeCountyEye learned that at least as many drivers slid through the intersection at Rte 12 and Rte 120 during the blizzard last weekend. "We may as well put a freeze on our revenue generating efforts," said one official. "Everything from from now through the end of the year is icing on the cake."
Tiny Lakemoor gets big bucks from red-light cameras
Your LakeCountyEye will keep you apprised when further developments warrant.
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