Haha, as readers of this blog should know ...
Walshed Up?Joe Walsh, Lake County Congressman of yore, shot the Illinois GOP a male-ego sized head-fake with declarations to run against Mark Kirk for US Senate. Now he is making moves to challenge, instead, Lake County's boreal Congressman, Randy Hultgren. The Daily Herald says ...
Hultgren's staff is actively preparing for the scenario, and campaign workers for both Walsh and Hultgren were reportedly collecting petition signatures at a McHenry County Republican Party fundraiser last week.No incumbent wants a Primary. Threats of this nature are usually made to coerce concessions out of Party bigshots and donors -- in return the Primary challenge is quietly dropped.
The rundown on Joe Walsh's potential bid for Congress
Sources tell your LakeCountyEye, however, that Walsh has read the tea-leaves and they are Donald Trump orange pekoe. 2016 promises to be the year of the Trump, and Joe Walsh wins big if he can compel voters to fire the low-energy Randy Hultgren.
Hultgren's Congressional district overlaps the corner of Lake County that borders Wisconsin and McHenry County -- a naturally occurring sink for Walsh voters.
Your LakeCountyEye will be watching the 14th Congressional District. This one is undeniably huge.
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