It's a well known quirk of the English language: every sentence uttered by Aaron Lawlor contains a noun, a verb, and the Route 53 Extension. Haha, this may explain why Lawlor, the Lake County Board Chair, was uncharacteristically tight-lipped after a Hawthorn Woods town meeting -- one critical of the $3 billion highway project. Lawlor told the
Chicago Tribune:
"There were a number of valid concerns, and a number of inaccuracies, that we're going to address," Lawlor said. "I'm going to leave it at that."
Hawthorn Woods mayor on Route 53: 'Basically, we have an issue with everything'
Note to Operatives: On this blog, valid concerns are numbered few and far between. But if it's inaccuracies that you are looking for, you've come to the right place. Your LakeCountyEye knows at least 10 widely believed misbeliefs about the Route 53 Extension:
Ten Common Misconceptions About the Route 53 Extension |
- Paved with Gold
- Will be the Only Man-Made Object Visible from the Moon
- Filed a Wrongful Conviction Suit Against the County
- Phase #1: Build It Over the Long Grove Sinkhole
Phase #2: FEMA Pays for It
- For Twice as Many Lanes at Half the Cost, It's Shaped Like a Moebius Strip
- Plans to Run for Lake County State's Attorney
- STD Stands for Special Taxing District
- To be Constructed Out of Lumber Left Over from the Goliath Rollercoaster
- Will Pay for Itself, After the Oil Fields Along the Right-of-Way are Seized
- One Royal Clusterf*ck
Look for your LakeCountyEye busting myths near you.
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