While it is true that a tunnel is being dug in Waukegan to transfer prisoners from the Lake County Jail -- your LakeCountyEye incorrectly reported that the underground excavation opened a sinkhole on the Waukegan Beach:
Notes from the Underground
The sinkhole in question turned out to be a tidepool of natural origin. The
News-Sun observed that the ...
Lake County Health Department threatened to close the beach on June 26 due to a stubborn pool of water that had been developing all year in the middle of the sand.
'Unsafe' area at Waukegan beach fixed after shutdown threat
The Sheriff's Department is adamant that it has no authority to police the tidepool or, for that matter, any Waukegan Municipal shoreline. The
News-Sun said ...
Responding to complaints out of Waukegan about motorized watercraft entering the swimming area off Municipal Beach last weekend, Lake County Sheriff Mark Curran disputed claims by city officials that his department's marine unit has jurisdiction to enforce local laws along the Lake Michigan shore. "The county doesn't have any statutory responsibility for the waters, period," Curran said Wednesday, two days after Waukegan City Council discussion included statements by Mayor Wayne Motley and 8th Ward Ald. William Valko that Lake County has jurisdiction beyond the beach.
Dangerous boating reports prompt Waukegan to police beach
Perhaps out of desperation, the City of Waukegan bulldozed the whole beach into Lake Michigan. According to the
News-Sun, Waukegan Mayor Wayne Motley says ...
the eventual plan is to completely remove the south dune to both open up more recreational space and allow a view of Waukegan Harbor. "We filled it in, and now we're going to grade it so it grades back into the lake," he said, adding that no protected wetland sections of the dunes were affected. "We've opened up that whole section to the south, so now people can go all the way south, which is really nice."
'Unsafe' area at Waukegan beach fixed after shutdown threat
It is unknown whether there are plans to blacktop the affected area. The displaced piping plovers, sanderlings, spotted sandpipers, dowitchers, rails, common terns, marram grass, sea rocket were unavailable for comment.
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