A: Ho, Ho, Ho
HaHaHa, congenital Lake County US Senator Mark Kirk was heard this week talking trash on one of his homeboys:
A spokeswoman says Illinois' U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk has apologized after being caught on a hot mic using a word considered disparaging to women. Kirk called Republican senator and presidential candidate Lindsey Graham a "bro with no ho."The object of Kirk's reflection, Lindsey Graham, is an announced candidate for the office of US President. Washington insiders say Graham, who is unmarried, will have to beard the lion if he hopes to get to the White House without the benefit of a First Lady.
Kirk apologizes for calling Lindsey Graham 'bro with no ho'
Sources tell your LakeCountyEye that the National Republican Senatorial Committee is all-in, and actively seeking a suitable companion for the footloose & fancy-free senior Senator from South Carolina:
Senator Kirk, your LakeCountyEye learned, can stand-in as father of the bride.craigslistprohibited[?] Posted: 1 day ago
Confirmed Bachelor Seeks Ho
Elderly male seeks wifey bitch. Honey dimes only! Deuces, stangs, tweakers, babymommas, need not apply.
Send photo and resume to Lindsey Graham for President
Be sure to include a photo.
Please observe the utmost discretion. No 3rd party inquiries. You must be 18 or older.
post id: heaterpoints posted: 1 day ago updated: an hour ago
- do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers
Until then, look for your LakeCountyEye shooting fish in a barrel near you.
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