like Hensarling, Peter Roskam wants to move up in the House Republican leadership, and covets the post of Majority Whip. Uniform sources tell your LakeCountyEye that a sweeping House coup had been cooked upWell, the aforementioned chickens have come home to coop. Not only had a sweeping House coup been cooked up, but it was launched Tuesday night, around the same time as the sudden demise of Eric Cantor. The House Majority Whip, Cantor unexpectedly lost a Primary challenge to an unknown opponent who seemed to appear from out of nowhere. (Your LakeCountyEye observes that successful coup plotters generally rely on unwitting stooges to do their dirty work. That way plausible deniability can be maintained in case the plot fails.)
Ski Party
Now, according to the Chicago Tribune ...
The primary result unleashed immediate speculation about a possible replacement for Cantor, including Jim Jordan of Ohio, Jeb Hensarling of Texas and Steve Scalise of Louisiana, when the House meets to pick new leaders at the end of the year. Peter Roskam of Illinois was also considered early Wednesday as a potential successor, though some feel it's more likely he will vie for the position of whip.It's too late now to close the proverbial barn door, and both Peter Roskam and Jeb Hensarling face stiff competition for the coveted House leadership positions.
Eric Cantor loss has Republican leadership scrambling
What is known is that Peter Roskam is a prolific fundraiser and has been doling out money to other GOP House members and collecting chits in return. Despite of the fact that he is a Lake County Congressman, do not be surprised if Roskam shoots up in the House leadership soon.
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