Lake County: Your Gaycation DestinationNot surprisingly, every hotel room in Lake County is booked solid this weekend with Illinois gubernatorial candidates.
Haha, with a Primary election less than 5 weeks away, gay marriage -- like it or not -- is looming large like a wedding gift from Fruit of the Loom. One local contest is directly impacted by the hoo-hah, according to the Daily Herald ...
Republican voters in a portion of Lake County will choose between a state representative who holds two elected jobs and a politically active challenger in next month's primary.Locking horns in State Rep District 51 are the incumbent, Ed Sullivan Jr, and his tea-party challenger, Bob Bednar. Sullivan voted to legalize same-sex marriage in Illinois; both candidates however deny their contest is about gay marriage. Hehe.
Sullivan, Bednar lock horns in House District 51 GOP primary in Lake County
Bednar is throwing everything else available at Sullivan, charging that he is too liberal, and telling voters that Sullivan holds two elected positions, and draws two government salaries.
Note to ops: Expect your low information voters to take a Republican ballot in March. They likely don't know the difference between liberal and conservative, nor care one way or another about gay marriage. However these are voters who probably do not draw two salaries and may be drawing zero salaries1 -- so you could do worse to remind them that your opponent is a double-dipper. In any event, your LakeCountyEye is not selling the Sullivan stock short.
1 Your LakeCountyEye recalls one party boss who took pains to secure a job for every voter in his ward. He explained that any voter with a 9 to 5 job was a voter too busy to get to the polls on election day and vote against him. True story.
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