Sunday, November 24, 2013

Scrape Along by the Skin of Your Teeth

The tax paladins at the McHenryCountyBlog, at a bare minimum, like to appear to be watching your money. To that end, they are at present in the process of posting the salaries of every Illinois state employee who lives in McHenry County:
Salaries of State Employees Living in McHenry County – 3
Your LakeCountyEye, no slouch either when it comes to other people's livelihoods, has periodically been posting the annual remuneration of Illinois's public sector pensioners. The complete list of names is extensive, and this blog is currently making its way through the S portion of the alphabet. Here are the SKINNERs ...

Better Government Association Pension Database
Of course, $79,000 is a lot of money -- unless you happen to be the Daily Herald ...
Roskam had taken six trips worth $79,000 since taking office in 2007, a relatively small number compared to U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky's 23 trips worth about $198,000 in the same time.
Roskam cleared in Taiwan trip investigation
Can anyone break a $79,000 bill?


Cal Skinner said...

Think I should do the McHenry County pensioners' annual checks, too?

Barney Baxter said...

hi Cal,

I vote yes. If you got it flaunt it.
