Saturday, May 25, 2013

Gone With The Wind

There are few things Lake County looks forward to more than a 3-day weekend. And with this 3-day weekend past nigh, Lake County has three uninterrupted days to lose sleep over where & when the the next random monster tornado strikes.  Haha, at least that's what your LakeCountyEye has made plans for, this weekend.  So you don't have to.

You may not know it but Lake County has its own local version of FEMA: the Lake County Emergency Management Agency (EMA):
Lake County's Emergency Management Agency (EMA)
If you wonder why the agency's acronym is not LCEMA instead, you are not alone.  Your LakeCountyEye suspects a protracted and costly trademark battle may have transpired at some time in the past:

Lawrence County Emergency Management Agency
At any rate, LCEMA has a website with the up-to-the-minute emergency info and weather conditions that everyone needs -- Alert Lake County -- and, if you're anything like your LakeCountyEye, that's the website you check at least 5 -- 10 -- 15 -- 100 times every day:

Alert Lake County
Your Emergency Preparededness Resource
No emergency preparededness resource should come without instructions on how to respond to an emergency, and Alert Lake County does not disappoint. The website has a smörgåsbord of emergencies to choose from:
It is advisable to resist the immediate temptation to click on Bioterrorism or Dirty Bomb. While these nodoubt are emergencies of some vital importance, it is more often than not a good idea to prioritize your armageddons -- and first review, instead, your best emergency response to a tornado.

So your LakeCountyEye asks operatives to go immediately to LCEMA's Alert Lake County website, before it's too late, and click the Thunderstorm/Tornado hyperlink ...

... which will redirect you to this webpage:

Alert Lake County : Thunderstorm/Tornado

Hopefully random monster tornadoes travel west to east. And that this one is over Lake Michigan by now.

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