On March 21, 2013 a public hearing on the Millburn Bypass was held at Millburn West (Millburn Middle School) in Lindenhurst. At the meeting public comments were requested. One LakeCountyEye reader told us that those public comments have been obtained through a Freedom on Information Act (FIOA) request:

... of the 69% that are against the proposed Western Bypass, 94% are in favor of the Eastern Bypass. What will it take to get IDOT (Illinois Department of Transportation) to start following it's own guidelines?
Public Hearing Comments
The complete results of the survey plus the public comment document are now available at the
Eastern Bypass Group website:
Eastern Bypass Group
Move 45 East!
1 comment:
It's amazing that IDOT's guidelines state "An essential component of the stakeholder involvement process is the concept of “consensus.” The most serviceable definition of consensus is when a majority of the stakeholders agree on a particular issue,.." Hello IDOT, a majority of the stakeholders do agree to MOVE 45 EAST! Most do not agree with your decision. Why isn't IDOT listening to the stakeholders?
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