They are definitely back if by they one means
An Email-Order Marriage?Unsolicited e-mail from Sullivan's office -- with Marriage Equality as the subject-line -- arrived last month in the inbox of at least one operative. The operative was thanked for contacting the Lake County State Rep's office, even though they hadn't.
Since then, Sullivan has come out of the closet -- so to speak -- on the issue of same-sex marriage. And soon after, the same operative was spammed, yet again, by Sullivan's office:
Dear [redacted],
Thank you for your recent letter in favor of S.B. 10, the Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act. I am very proud to support this important legislation for our State.
After personal reflection and discussions with members of our community, I have decided to support civil marriage because it goes to the core of what I believe our State's-and indeed our Nation's-Constitution intends: a limited government whose citizens are free to make personal choices with equal protection under the law.
The role of a limited government is to fairly hold all people as equals, regardless of race, creed, or orientation, not to devise rules that make moral judgments of any particular class. Furthermore, each citizen should be left to himself or herself to make deeply personal decisions regarding life and the pursuit of happiness. Constrained by these principles, government should not stand in the way of two consenting adults who wish to commit to each other through civil marriage, regardless of their sexual orientation.
Thank you again for taking the time to write and share your concerns. I respect your opinion on this important issue, and invite you to contact me again regarding your concerns regarding any future legislation. It is an honor to represent you in the General Assembly.

Ed Sullivan
State Representative - District 51
Ed Sullivan
State Representative - District 51
Your LakeCountyEye has already observed that ...
Guns and Butterat about the same time he came out in favor of same-sex marriage, Sullivan also received a sizable contribution from the Illinois Firearms Manufacturers Association. Your LakeCountyEye can't say with certainty, but suspects this may explain why Sullivan's mail server is set on a hair-trigger.
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