If politics is show-business for ugly people, then one Lake County politician may be getting ready for his close-up. Haha, as readers of this blog are repeatedly aware ...
Still Even More Curran Events
Lake County Sheriff Mark Curran, after 2014, may not be Sheriff. The smart Lake County money is betting that Curran is shopping for some office other than Sheriff to run for in the next election. That money, however is divided over which office that might be:
- Legislative Office
Curran lives in Senate, Rep and County Board districts all held by fellow Republicans: Dan Duffy, Ed Sullivan, Carol Calabresa. Unless there is a retirement or defection or something among these ranks, your LakeCountyEye would not expect to see Curran on the ballot for any of these offices.
- County Office
Besides Sheriff, the 2014 ballot will include County Clerk, Treasurer and Superintendent of Schools. Your LakeCountyEye does not believe Curran is looking for a demotion, and does not expect to see him on the ballot for any of these offices.
- State Office
All of the Constitutional offices are on the 2014 ballot: Illinois Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Comptroller.
- The offices of Treasurer & Comptroller are held by other Republicans and both require business and math skills. Your LakeCountyEye does not expect to see Curran on the ballot for either of these offices.
- As Secretary of State, Curran would have the bully pulpit to realize his dream to grant Illinois Drivers Licenses to undocumented immigrants. However, the current & popular Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White has said that he will run for another term; your LakeCountyEye does not expect to see Curran on the ballot for Secretary of State.
- There are probably already 50 guys who've publicly expressed an interest in running for Governor -- including defeated Congressman Joe Walsh and Peoria Congressman Aaron Schock. Your LakeCountyEye does not expect a Republican Gubernatorial Primary this cycle, as much as a Republican Gubernatorial Food-Fight. Curran would no doubt fit right in. This one may be too close to call, but your LakeCountyEye still does not look to see Curran on the ballot for Governor.
- Of all the Constitutional positions, Curran is probably best qualified to be Lieutenant Governor. Not just anybody from Lake County can run for Lieutenant Governor -- your LakeCountyEye advises to keep an eye peeled for Curran's name next to this ballot spot.
- Curran is an attorney, which is a big plus for any Attorney General candidate. And some observers were surprised that Curran did not run, this cycle, for Lake County State's Attorney. So, especially if current Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan does not run for re-election, your LakeCountyEye will be watching to see if Curran appears on the ballot for Attorney General.
- Federal Office
Democratic Senator Dick Durbin will defend his seat; so expect only token opposition from a 2nd or 3rd tier Republican candidate. This makes Curran qualified for the slot, but your LakeCountyEye does not expect to see Curran on the ballot for US Senate.
Curran is in the 10th Congressional District, held by Republican Robert Dold -- oops, haha, soon to be held by Democrat Brad Schneider. If Dold does not try to regain the seat, your LakeCountyEye would be not surprised a bit to see Curran on the ballot for 10th District Congressman.
A tip o' the LakeCountyEye green eyeshade goes to
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