Roskam, only in his third term, is already the 4th ranking Republican in Congress, Deputy Majority Whip. But his meteoric rise, as readers of this blog are astronomically aware, comes at at a price:
Q the Eye/09.02.12As Deputy Whip, Roskam is responsible for advancing his Party's legislative agenda -- an agenda that increasingly has had consequences on a woman's health and her freedom to make reproductive decisions. The House GOP's so-called War on Women -- where Roskam has been a loyal footsoldier -- negatively impacts the same suburban voters that he represents. It's not a surprise that Roskam's most recent campaign lit targets suburban women ...
Chick Litportraying him as a leading advocate of women's issues in Congress.
Will Roskam's charm offensive secure him another term in the US House? Here is the nutgraf from a recent Letter to the Editor nodoubt sanctioned by the Roskam campaign:
Whether in person, during Tele-Town Hall meetings or through his video conversation series 'Ask Peter', he is accessible and eager to listen. As a result, he is well-equipped to truly represent usThe message is clear. Those unsure whether Peter Roskam deserves their support are invited to see for themselves: Contact the Roskam campaign and "Ask Peter" how "well-equipped" he is for the job.
Peter Roskam is Well-Equipped to Truly Represent
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