Starting Spring 2012, the Bettendorf Castle will be hosting private group tours. We invite you to take a tour of the exterior of the beautiful, historic Castle grounds.The castle is easy to find: just look for the Dan Duffy yardsigns. Your LakeCountyEye has learned that there are no less than four Duffy for Senate yardsigns waiting to greet visitors at the Bettendorf Castle.
The Bettendorf Castle
While those signs may earn Duffy some votes out of the next tourbus from Racine, they may have the opposite effect on voters from the neighborhood. According to the Daily Herald ...
To the dismay of its neighbors, public tours of Bettendorf Castle in Fox River Grove could resume soon after a ruling by a McHenry County judge on Wednesday morning. Fox River Grove officials had argued the village code does not allow bus tours in residential areas, and the matter ended up in court after castle owner Michael Strohl was issued a zoning ordinance violation notice in August.There is an art to placing a yardsign. A yardsign in a Lake County roundabout, for instance, will get your campaign scores of repeat views from confused motorists as they drive in circles. But just about anyone who knows which end goes into the ground can plant a yardsign where it will get seen. The art is in placing that sign where it doesn't goad others into voting for your opponent.
Judge OKs tours of Bettendorf Castle
To get you started, your LakeCountyEye has identified ten toxic locations to avoid:
Ten Places in Lake County Where Not to Put a Yardsign |
Look for your LakeCountyEye -- where else? -- stealing your yardsign.
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