Haha, the Village of Mundelein voted this week to slap a ban on the birds and the bees. Operatives who live in Mundelein, however, need not pull down their window-shades just yet -- because that would be birds as in
chickens; and bees as in
bees. According to the
Daily Herald ...
Beehives and chicken coops will not be making their way into backyards in Mundelein just yet. A proposed zoning ordinance that would have allowed the animals was tabled at the village's regular meeting Monday in a 4-2 vote.
Mundelein: No chickens, bees in backyards
This backyard livestock ordinance is regarded as another burdensome government regulation imposed on the American way of life throughout the world. One local business directly affected by the ban has already responded with plans to move its operation out of Lake County and into Chicago. Nationwide chicken merchant and freedom-loving, privately owned
Chick-fil-A wants to expand their operation into Logan Square -- but has already run into some stiff headwinds from nanny-state Chicago pols. According to the
Sun-Times ...
The anti-gay views openly espoused by the president of a fast food chain specializing in chicken sandwiches have run afoul of Mayor Rahm Emanuel and a local alderman, who are determined to block Chick-fil-A from expanding in Chicago.
Emanuel goes after Chick-fil-A for boss' anti-gay views
It is rumored that Mundelein's beekeepers have sided with
Chick-fil-A and are threatening to move their hives to Chicago as well. If so, your LakeCountyEye will not hazard to guess what that would entail or how exactly many queen bees would need to be ferried across county lines.
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