More specifically, one high-profile Republican elected official is grabbing all the headlines for herself after a run-in with authorities. This raven-haired public servant, best known as a powerful force in Lake County Government over the past 20 years, is being accused of intimidation, harassment and intrusion; recipients of her undesired attention are asking why this well-known office holder had not been subject to prior restraint.
Of course your LakeCountyEye is referring to Lake County Clerk, Willard Helander.
Haha, as reported in the Root River Siren blog ...
A complaint has been filed with the Government Accountability Board by a Racine resident which stems from an alleged act of voter intimidation by a poll observer at Jefferson Lighthouse Elementary School polling place. The poll observer has been identified as Willard Helander who turns out to be the County Clerk of Lake County, Illinois. Helander reportedly harassed and intimidated voters and even tried to prevent one voter from putting her ballot in the voting machine by following close behind and shouting at the voter. Other voters in the area are organizing further complaints against Helander and questioning why the Jefferson Lighthouse Chief Inspector didn't remove her even though she was warned many times while she was present in the polling place on Tuesday.For operatives without a functioning GPS, Racine is a city in Wisconsin -- a state totally different than Illinois.
Racine Voter Suppressor Turns Out To Be Illinois County Clerk
Why was the Lake County Clerk reportedly engaged in some full-contact poll-watching last week, up in Wisconsin during their special recall election? Your LakeCountyEye can only guess. Ten times:
Ten Reasons Why Lake County Clerk Willard Helander Would Be Poll Watching at the Wisconsin Recall Election |
A tip of the LakeCountyEye green eyeshade to Ellen of the Tenth, who broke the story south of the border:
Voter Power Just A Button
Wow, this leaves me just about speechless. Somebody's got to bring this woman down someday. We hear enough stories about her suppressing voting and voter registration here in Lake County, but she has to go across the line and do it too?
Birds of prey need to sharpen their talons, Bystander!
First we're going to finally get a State's Attorney worthy of Lake County, and then Willard and Curran fall in 2014.
Just think of the millions we'll be saving as we finally clean up Lake County government.
Well we are going to get a new SA, but who is it going to be? Nobody is breaking out right now. Both are running conservative campaigns and hiding is their safe neighborhoods. They have similar platforms, similar experience. So it might just come down to popularity and in the case of Lake County, the nod goes to the GOP.
Dems in Lake County do not have talons.
Broke in the Daily Herald 6/16/12
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