In their defense, there is a long-honored tradition in Illinois of candidates appearing on the ballot for the opposing party. A LaRouche Party member was nominated by the Democrats in 1986 to be their Lieutenant Governor candidate. To win anywhere in Chicago, a Republican has to run as a Democrat -- take Rahm Emanuel, for instance. Lake County has a long history of Democrats serving on the County Board as Republicans -- or running as Democrats and serving as Sheriff or Circuit Court Clerk as a Republican. And the phenomenon is not exclusive to Illinois -- Massachusetts liberal Mitt Romney is on the cusp of cinching the GOP nomination for President.
Interestingly, these stealth candidates do tend to outperform their more orthodox opponents at the polls. Your LakeCountyEye estimates that the majority of Illinois's elected officials are card carrying members of the other party. Anyone not shy about being caught tacking in the direction of the political winds probably already has a leg up on the opposition. Despite this track-record of electoral success, operatives -- a naturally suspicious bunch -- are reluctant to embrace a party-jumping candidate who happens to be nobody that nobody sent. And who's to blame them? As a service, your LakeCountyEye has identified ten telltale tells that a Democratic candidate may not have the ideological fire-in-the-belly of a Dennis Kucinich.
Look for your LakeCountyEye on your ballot ... posing as a write-in candidate.
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