he was completely taken aback when he learned recently of the proposed 800,000-square-foot retail and commercial development at the southeast corner of Rand and McHenry roads. His outrage grew after learning county officials had been working on the proposal for more than a year without informing the neighboring municipalities.The top-secret, top-dollar, top-heavy deal involves among the usual suspects, developers, unincorporated Lake County property, the Lake County Regional Planning Commission. The property, owned by Robert and Constance Dimucci would need to be re-zoned by a vote of the Lake County Board. Cheerleading the effort is Lake County Commissioner Stevenson Mountsier. According to the Daily Herald ...
New mall plan could reignite old Taubman land war
Mountsier said he will support the proposal when it comes before the county board, probably in May. "These people, the Dimuccis, want it to be a first-class shopping center," Mountsier said. "I know they're willing to do whatever the ordinances call for. I can tell you it will be a first-class job."Towering projects of this nature, by law, are required to be vetted before the public. To fulfill the obligation, the Lake County Regional Planning Commission scheduled a meeting -- on short notice, and at a time and place guaranteed to minimize attendance:
New mall plan could reignite old Taubman land war
Monday, February 6, 3:00 PMWell that was yesterday. As they say today in the highlands, the best-laid schemes of mice and men gang aft agley. According to the Daily Herald ...
Ela Area Library
Lake Zurich
A planned discussion about a possible commercial development near Hawthorn Woods met with public hostility Monday and then was abruptly adjourned because dozens of would-be audience members were unable to enter the meeting room in Lake Zurich.Ha ha, 300 people showed up to protest at library room booked at a capacity of 150. When they couldn't all fit in the meeting had to be cancelled for violating the Open Meetings Act. Your LakeCountyEye has been told that among the players in attendance were no less than four Lake County Commissioners: Stevenson Mountsier, Aaron Lawlor, Craig Taylor, Diana O'Kelly.
Talk about proposed land plan near Hawthorn Woods cut short due to legal concerns
A new meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 22, exact time and place TBD.
Note to ops: this is a multi-million dollar deal. No one is going to roll over because some angry pensioners show up at a public meeting to vent. If you attend the do-over meeting and if you see Mountsier or Lawlor or Taylor or O'Kelly or another County Commissioner, tell them that you have a lot of free time and extra money on your hands. And if the Mall does go forward as planned then you will look forward to supporting their opponent in the upcoming Primary or General election. Elected officials pay attention when things gang aft agley.
The usual Lake County suspects. Don't forget Barry the Administrator and his "numerous: behind close doors meeting going back against the people of Lake County.
Our county is a sham and we must change it's mindset
You aint seen nothing yet Barney. This will be a good one.
Next meeting is Wed., July 11, 2012, also at Concorde Banquet. If you missed the previous meeting, view the gavel-to-gavel video:
Remember, the county has been redistricted, following the 2010 census. The next Lake County Board will be 21 members (down from 23). It's hard to know where current members stand--and many will NOT stand for re-election. Ask questions of current candidates. I welcome yours at:
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