The League of Women Voters
® of the Lake Forest/Lake Bluff Area have scheduled a number of candidate forums throughout Lake County. They asked us to extend their invitation to our readers:
Candidate Forums Scheduled
The following forums have been scheduled for the lead-up to the March 20th primary election. Mark your calendar now - these should be good!- Where:
University Center of Lake County, 1200 University Center Rd, Grayslake
Sunday, Feb. 12
1:30 p.m. (doors open 1:00)
Candidate Forum for contested races for countywide department elected officials - Clerk of the Circuit Court, Coroner, Recorder of Deeds, and State's Attorney. Sponsored by League of Women Voters, Daily Herald, and University Center.
- Where:
Lake Bluff Elementary School, 350 W. Washington, Lake Bluff
Sunday, February 19
1:30 p.m. (doors open 1:00)
Candidate Forum for contested races for State Representative 58th District, State Senate 29th District, and Lake County Board District 13. Sponsored by League of Women Voters, and Lake Forest-Lake Bluff Patch.
- Where:
Highland Park Country Club, 1201 Park Ave. West, Highland Park
Sunday, February 26
1:00 p.m. (doors open 12:30)
Candidate Forum for contested races for State Representative 58th District, State Senate 29th District, and 10th Congressional District. Sponsored by League of Women Voters and Union League Club.
- Where:
Lake Forest/Lake Bluff Senior Center, 100 E. Old Mill Rd., Lake Forest
Sunday, March 4
1:30 p.m. (doors open 1:00)
Candidate Forum for contested races for Lake County Board District 12, and countywide department officials: Clerk of the Circuit Court, Coroner, Recorder of Deeds, and State's Attorney. Sponsored by League of Women Voters, Lake Forest-Lake Bluff Patch, Lake Forest-Lake Bluff Senior Center.
Candidate Forums Scheduled
I would go if I knew that Kathy Tate-Bradish was the moderator. You remember her, the idiot who wouldn't allow the Pledge at the Grayslake forum. The one, along with her daughter, who was busy showing poor country's inhabitants how to put condoms on.
For the time it took her to give an excuse why, they could have said the Pledge.
District 116's remarks are completely uncalled for. Just who is the idiot here?
I agree that District 116's comment is out of line. Isn't name calling a little childish?
And, I think Tate-Bradish and her daughter should be commended for teaching others about condom use. Preventing pregnancy (and STDs) among those who do not have the resources to care for the children they might otherwise conceive is a good thing!
For heaven's sake, District 116, let's keep it civil, shall we? Name-calling is indeed childish and you wouldn't want it on your blog, would you?
Calling someone an idiot for forever being known as the person who refused a request to recite the Pledge is childish? I'll bet that if you were to ask her if she would have done things differently and that it was a stupid decision, she would now agree with you.
No, I didn't call her un-American or un-Patriotic as she was blasted across the Internet which now will follow her around forever. No, I simply said it was an idiotic choice on her part and now overshadows any of the good accomplishments she may have made in her life.
As far as my blog goes, unless a comment includes profanity, they all remain unedited. I wouldn't look twice at a word like "idiot" as a reason to block a comment. We have a lot of those kinds running for office so don't be surprised to see that 'childish' word showing up more often.
I enjoy Barney's humor which is why I stop by occasionally, not to upset anyone with my comments.
I am an observant member of the Chritian failth. Our allegiance belongs to Jehovah alone, and to his government under the rulership of his Son Jesus Christ. We obey the laws that do not conflict with God's laws, we pay our taxes, but we consider the salute of the flag as an act of worship. Reciting the pledge is anathema to my beliefs. Insisting on saying the pledge insures that I can never run for office. May I introduce you to the First Amendment? Say your pledge...at home before you leave for the debate.
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