Operatives who stayed up into the wee hours of the night, waiting on the numbers from the Iowa caucus, would have been better served had they just RSSed this blog on Sunday. As readers of this blog are presciently aware ...
Rick Santorum: The Miracle from Mundelein
Defying any & all rational expectation, a graduate from Carmel HS wins the Iowa caucus.
Happy Day After New Year's Eve
Carmel High School alumnus & Lake County favorite son Rick Santorum came out of nowhere to beat Mitt Romney by a huge landslide in the Iowa caucus. A little known provision in the US Constitution stipulates that if a Carmel HS grad defies all rational expectation and wins in Iowa, he automatically gets to be the new President of the United States. Hail to the Chief, President Santorum!
Iowa is nothing anymore. A conservative state that is not representative of America. After all Huckabee won in 08 and that just him a gig on Fox News. But if you are an Obama fan, a Lake County so called favorite son on the GOP ticket would be a sure fire win for another Obama term.
In an article by the Daily Herald, it was mentioned that Illinois' co-chair for Santorum's Illinois election campaign, Al Salvi, was a 'schoolmate". That's rather laughable since Salvi was a sophomore when Santo' spent his only year there as a senior. Until they had lunch a few years ago, Salvi didn't even know Santo' attended Carmel. Wouldn't they actually be 'schoolmates' rather than "classmates"? If Santo' was dating a sophomore, then there is a good chance of him hanging out with one but it's unlikely he even knew Salvi existed when he was there.
Maybe Santo' and Salvi were dating - in secret, of course - and things didn't, you know, work out. Because Al was such a beast!
hi District116,
Good choice if Salvi is Santorum's Illinois chair. I wouldn't want to be Gingrich's IL chair right about now.
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