Christmas in Springfield?the petition filing deadline for Congressional candidates has been extended to Christmas Eve and beyond. Candidates for Congress who are down for the count and ready to concede defeat, now have until Christmas to meet their petition requirement.
Operatives are advised to check their peepholes before answering their doors -- on the other side may be poorly-paid and surly campaign petition circulators. Or they just might be the LakeCountyEye carolers only wishing to spread some holiday cheer:
Look for your LakeCountyEye, walkin' in the you know what.
Will you take this petition?
It's for our politician.
We'd like you to sign,
Your name on this line.
Knockin' for a long-shot congressman.
Many thanks, you've been too kind.
Christmas day is our deadline.
You are number four.
We'll need many more.
Knockin' for a long-shot congressman.
In the WalMart is a cardboard snowman.
Let's all pretend he lives in Mundelein.
We'll say: Are you registered to vote, man?
He can say: Since nineteen and sixty nine!
Only need another million.
When its done we'll be chillin'.
Fabricate to play,
The Chicago way.
Knockin' for a long-shot congressman.
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