Erm, wait a sec, that's your LakeCountyEye's number. Your LakeCountyEye has been predicting for months that Joe Walsh won't be the Congressman from the Eighth District for much longer. Instead Walsh will opt to run for re-election in the Red-Meat-Republican Fourteenth District instead. As readers of this blog have been made aware ad nauseam ...
I'm Just Mad About Fourteen.your LakeCountyEye has predicted that not only will Walsh challenge the Fourteenth District Congressman Randy Hultgren, but Walsh will beat him in a fair primary fight.
Fourteen's Mad About Me.
Well team-Walsh, being notorious students of this blog, made it official. According to the Sun-Times ...
U.S. Rep. Joe Walsh, R-McHenry, an outspoken favorite of the Tea Party, has announced he will run against Rep. Randy Hultgren, R-Winfield, in the GOP primary for the 14th District.Team-Hultgren was none too pleased. The Sun-Times again ...
U.S. Rep. Joe Walsh to run in 14th District; would face Hultgren in primary
Hultgren wasted little time in firing back, issuing this response about 1 hour and 20 minutes after Walsh's announcement: "I'm disappointed that the Congressman from the 8th District has decided to abandon his own district to run against me in a primary. By doing so, he’s playing into the hands of the Springfield Democrats and Nancy Pelosi, who have drawn the Congressional map for Illinois specifically to encourage just such a contest."Ha ha, Congressman Hultgren, it sux to be you.
U.S. Rep. Joe Walsh to run in 14th District; would face Hultgren in primary
As an FYI for operatives, the new 14th Congressional District comprises distant and exotic lands like Minooka and Oswego and Crystal Lake. Now that Walsh has thrown his tri-corner into the 14th, does this mean that Lake County will no longer stand to benefit from Representative Walsh's crackerjack congressional liaison services? Nope, 14 was drawn to also include big chunks of Red-Meat-Republican northern Lake County.
Your LakeCountyEye foresees many many Joe Walsh blog posts coming up, in the future. Ha ha it sux not to be your LakeCountyEye.
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