Ha ha that is probably the last joke told on this blog about the State Senator from Lake Villa -- this is one political career that is officially kapoot. As readers of this blog are gobsmackingly aware ...
A Schmidt DecisionLake County deputies were summoned Monday night to another domestic incident between the State Senator and her spouse. For operatives curious to hear the 911 calls, it looks like the Daily Herald was able obtain the MP3 audio:
The yuck factor alone is sufficient to send the the audio on a state-wide viral-spiral. Your LakeCountyEye estimates that poobahs both in Lake County and Springfield will soon be scrambling to find a suitable candidate to succeed their inevitably lame-duck 31st District State Senator.
The heavy in this drama is the Lake County Sheriff's Department who blew the whistle again on Schmidt's shenanigans. Your LakeCountyEye is not sure why. Perhaps the girl cried clout too many times.
In related news, the Daily Herald reports that Thomas Gooch, the Cuba Township Highway Commissioner, is on trial for misdemeanor battery against a employee:
Cuba Twp. highway commissioner on trial for pulling hairYour LakeCountyEye has some career advice for the free-swinging Lake County politicians who might find themselves in the unemployment line. The WWE is always looking for new talent. Mixed tag-team matches, your LakeCountyEye hears, are quite popular.
Ha ha, that was the last Suzi Schmidt joke, promise.
Sounds like it is time for the IL AG to get involved. The cover-up goes deep in Lake County
Politics aside, you consider this sad family matter a joke? How lame of you.
My mistake. The last comment came from me.
Louis G. Atsaves
Here, again, is Louis, great defender of the Forest District land thieves, of the drunken judiciary, of the crazed crucifix wielding Sheriff, and now of the bullying, biting, utterly out of control Suzi Schmidt. "Sad family matter"? Yes, and no. For every other citizen of Lake County, when those sad family matters are played out on the public roads of Lake Villa, when vehicles become instruments of retribution, and when lies are told to the police, the accessory of the hour would be handcuffs. Curran and Waller had the opportunity to intervene, to save Suzi from herself, to take a bite out of the abusive cycle before she, literally, took a bite out of Bob. They failed. Suzi failed also. Her drama left the insulation of a "sad family matter" when she lied directly to the Sun Times reporter who spoke with her personally in August. Suzi opened the door to this scrutiny, and we won't countenance any dilution of its depth. Suzi lied to the police, Louis. That puts her smack in the middle of every low-life criminal and their knee-jerk reaction when caught. When the kind of hubris displayed by Suzi in her dealings with county and state colleagues, officials, staff members and little ol' citizens like me comes back to haunt her, the irony takes on a comical tone. I personally feel very bad for Suzi and Bob. But those personal feelings have no place when injustice is wrought upon the people of Lake County. The abusers of both people and power have no place in our government. Period. You yourself would and have made the same claim when the letter next to the name is a 'D' rather than an 'R'. That you don't believe to your soul that you are then estopped from diluting whatever befalls Suzi Schmidt is telling.
Anon, again ignoring the politics for a moment, which clearly you are unable to do, you agree that telling lame jokes about this sad situation is inappropriate?
Unless you can show that the County Sheriff arrests every single individual involved in every single martial battle where police are called, and the County State's Attorney prosecutes every single one of them, except for Suzi Schmidt, you are blowing smoke.
Oh yeah, luv' ya back! You want to head up my fan club?
Louis G. Atsaves
hi Louis,
Who should we be feeling sad for?
Time for the AG to investigate this and all her other dealings on the forest preserve and lake county...let's see who made donations and what the outcomes were...route 45 would be a good start
Every single one Louis? What a poor excuse for a lawyer you must be. You are here saying that a little injustice appears to be okay? Really? Be an apologist, Louis. Go right ahead. You've done so on so many occasions up to now that I'd hope you would be better at it. Suzi lied, directly, in a phone conversation, to a reporter from the Sun Times. On a political level, she's either a moron or was drunk with a sense of hubristic invincibility. On a legal level, she lied to the police. There was probable cause to believe that she engaged in a game of bumper cars on the public roads. She used her 2000 pound Cadillac as an instrument of retribution, for cryin' out loud! What's the matter with you, Louis? You don't see that as conduct unbecoming? Take off your tin-foil hat, remove your Republican-colored glasses and see the world as it really is. Suzi acted like a thug. Legislatively, Suzi's first year in the Illinois Senate was objectively underwhelming. And, if you're the political guru you make yourself out to be on TA's blog, what with your long bloviation thereon even this very day, then you should know that the main reason Suzi's legislative bucket is so empty is that she demonstrated the same bullying tactics we in Lake County have come to expect, but did so to members of her own party, senate staffers from her own party, and even the poor little Secretary of State Police guards at the capital. Or, maybe you're not aware of the poor reputation she cultivated in Springfield. In which case, Louis, it is from your own fourth point of contact where your words emanate. So lame and impotent are your specious comments that I truly have to wonder how you achieved a moniker that includes 'Ellen Slayer'. I'm thinking foklaes is just you tooting your own horn. And, as usual, it is dreadfully off key.
These sad episodes are an unrecoverable tarnish upon Suzi Schmidt. They won't just take her down, but will call into question the political nature of Sheriff Mark Curran's deputy corps. It is axiomatic that intervention by first reponders is one of the most important steps in breaking the abuse cycle. The Sheriff's office failed, miserably. And the front line troops in that office are embarrassed that they were prevented from doing their job.
So too with Waller's office. Using a vehicle to assault a citizen in another vehicle on the public roads, is so serious a matter that charges have been brought in Lake County for this conduct, even against the wishes of the drivers involved.
The question Suzi and Senator Radgno and Bob Cook need to answer is whether the Lake County Republican party can survive the carnage of attempting to keep Suzi afloat, or whether it would be best for all if Suzi was given the time to resolve her issues out of the public's eye and off the taxpayer's payroll. In a cycle when every senator is up, and where the district has changed in a manner less favorable to Suzi, it would appear that propping Suzi up may just be a case of good money chasing bad.
Show something more than just empty words, Louis. Show real concern and compassion for Senator Schmidt. Use your experience with Senator Geo-Karis to help Suzi get her life back on track. But don't embarrass yourself any further with your quibbling over the jokes. Suzi opened the door, kicked it wide in fact, so now she will have to bite the bullet. Which, in the grand scheme of things, is a better place for her choppers than poor Bob.
Disgusting...how cant there have been 4 incidents and still no charges against Senator Schmidt??? Why would the Sherriff and prosecutor not arrest her and press charges??? This smells of coverup and influence pedalling - suzi even touts her connections on the 911 call when she tells them not take her poor abused husbands call - thank god the 911 operator would not be swayed by Suzi using her office and title! This should be investigated by the AG.
Suzi Schmidt you should quit! Suzi Schmidt you should quit!
Suzi Schmidt you should quit!
Barney, we should be feeling sad for both of them. They are married now for over 30 years?
Louis G. Atsaves
Anon, still luv' ya back. You still want to be president of my fan club?
Until we get all of the facts and in personal matters one rarely does, your ranting accomplishes nothing at the moment. You are doing your best to put words in my mouth and interpret the meaning of the words you are trying to put in my mouth, which is pretty self-defeating, but all I have said thus far is "You consider this sad family matter a joke? How lame of you."
Have a nice day. Relax a bit. I'm sure more stories on this subject will be forthcoming.
Louis G. Atsaves
Let's just forget Suzi for a moment, shall we? She's about as appetizing as a chicken wing left on her tanning bed all night. Your obvious myopia, your feeble attempt at denying that Suzi flexed her muscles and was treated differently than every other citizen seems servile, Louis. Calling it a rant so as to avoid addressing any issue in particular is the cheapest Glenn-Beckism on the block.
I think Louis should, instead,demonstrate his chops and resolve some issues regarding Gooch.
Why was he even asking his employee about what she was doing on the weekends? That seems inappropriate.
Did they have a relationship? It appears that they did. Isn't that inappropriate as well?
And what's up with the woman's son working for the highway department down there in Cuba Township? Is this another case of the Lake County Republicans sucking up the taxpayers' money via township government payrolls?
And is it true that the woman in question is a Democratic Party committeeperson? One who actually pulls republican ballots in previous primaries? Is Gooch that open minded or is this a clumsy, pathetic case of trying to get a spy in the Cuba Township Democratic Party? Think maybe the young lady can be turned into a double agent in light of Gooch's weird behavior?
Is it just me, or does the fortress of expensive local government built by the Lake County Republican Party suddenly seem like a sugar-cube house left out in the rain? It's crumbling from the top and at its foundations. And there's ol' Louis, standing in the middle of it, gettin all icky and sticky. Fan club? Only my dog would find you appealing at this moment Louis. You're becoming very much like the schmutz she likes to roll in on the grass.
More stories may be forthcoming, but I'd lay a bet that they won't be coming from the Daily Herald!
Anon: Glen Beck? Spies? Sugar cubes? And you expect a logical reply?
Maybe you SHOULDN'T be president of my fan club. I hereby rescind my offer to you.
Louis G. Atsaves
Really, Louis? That all you got? Go back to TA and slay more Ellens. Schmidt and Gooch are nothing if not indicative of the moral decay of the Lake County Republicans, and those poor fellas are stuck with you flying their flag. Pathetic.
You forgot Skinner, who swiped thousands from his elderly mother. But he is a Democrat, right?
From today's Chicago Tribune article: "Lake County Democratic Chairman Terry Link, a state senator from Waukegan, said it would be "terrible" to use Schmidt's personal problems for political gain."
Now go wallow in your own moral decay. Unless you want to claim that Senator Link also suffers from the same "moral decay" the Lake County Republican Party "suffers" from?
Louis G. Atsaves
hi Louis,
My guess is they will be married for 30 more years. Why are you feeling sad for them?
Louis, Louis, Louis. Skinner is a thief. But not on the taxpayer rolls. Your response was not germane. You have no response to Gooch's goofiness. And as to using Suzi's nightmare for political gain, I would expect the party chair to say exactly that. For whatever the reason, marital discord, personal animosity, or just plain whackiness, when a person uses a vehicle as a bludgeon on a public roadway, there ought to be a price. Every person should not lie to the police. No politician should lie to the press. And no lawyer worth his salt offers such feeble deflection. But, hey, here's your chance. When Suzi's gone, maybe you should run for the seat.
Today's Capitol Fax newsletter written by Rich Miller tells the whole story, without the lame jokes or the angry opportunistic rants that some around here are piling on.
Subscribe. Read. Then worry about what you've just read and your previous positions.
I will repeat what I said yesterday, which has been verified by Rich Miller "Politics aside, you consider this sad family matter a joke? How lame of you."
Louis G. Atsaves
I've been reading the Capfax pieces all along, Louis. Your problem seems to be that because these issues emanate from a "sad family matter", no one should be concerned about the obvious abuses of authority and preferential treatment afforded Senator Schmidt. You said:
"Unless you can show that the County Sheriff arrests every single individual involved in every single martial battle where police are called, and the County State's Attorney prosecutes every single one of them, except for Suzi Schmidt, you are blowing smoke."
That is utter tripe. Prosecutorial discretion should be based on evidentiary standards, not the clout of the parties. But not in Suzi's case.
It is a sad episode. And no, it isn't a joking matter. But neither is it solely a family matter, solely a private matter, nor solely a marital issue. Events took place on the public roads, sheriff's deputies were summoned, and untruths were told. Maybe you didn't read all of the Capfax reports, Louis. Rich took Suzi to task for her non-apology, and rightly suggested that she will earn what befalls her based, in part, by her own unwillingness to acknowledge her actions.
Yes it is sad. No, let's not joke. But re-read the comments above. Do I say that Suzi wronged the people of the 31st district? "You bet I did!" Do I say that the Lake County Sheriff did a disservice to the people of northern Lake County and, in particular, to Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt, by failing to follow established domestic abuse protocols? "You bet I did!" And did I say, repeatedly, that you have once again come over here to offer your meretricious, patronizing and myopic bloviation? "You bet I did!"
Nice try Anon. Now go read Miller's newsletter. You need to purchase a subscription to read it. It is different from his website which is open to everyone.
Miller's newsletter will probably lead to another round of newspaper articles, this time with a different perspective than what we have been previously reading and listening to on those 911 tapes.
But reading comprehension is not one of your skills.
You will discover the tripe is coming from you, not me.
Louis G. Atsaves
Louis, you pompous blow-hard! Perhaps Rich's article was too long for you to finish, but he clearly and unequivocally stated that Suzi issued a non-apology and did not take responsibility for what appeared like using her position to head off a police investigation. He further stated that she needed to own up to her mistake and she didn't.
Thanks for confirming what a low-life you are, Louis. You really think that the readers here will just take your over-inflated demeanor as something akin to credibility? Yes, Rich expressly described his distaste for the details and the sadness he felt at seeing this played out in public in a later post. But you continue to foist the fantasy upon us that this was the ONLY thing Miller discussed. I can't tell if you're attempting to outright lie or mislead the readers or if you really do see only that which supports your view of the world. But it doesn't matter, Louis. You're not worthy. Take your forked-tongue back to TA's echo chamber where you belong.
Hey Anon. Settle down. You are going to pop a blood vessel if you keep this up. Then you won't be able to stalk me from website to website anymore.
You are clearly not reading the subscription news-letter called "Capitol Fax." Today's edition. You need to be a subscriber to read it. If you go to his website, you need a password which changes weekly for subscribers to read it. You need to fork over $350.00 a year for this privilege. Clearly you haven't.
My guess is the MSM will start reporting on the facts Rich Miller detailed in his subscriber Capitol Fax today this weekend. They will either need to attribute the facts to Miller, or get them independently on their own.
Try not to let your head explode when those facts emerge.
Louis G. Atsaves
hi Louis,
I can't afford to subscribe to the CapitolFax. You'll have to either share with us what Miller said, or send me the $350.
But the point you seem to want to make is that this is no laughing matter.
Schmidt issued a statement this week asking for sympathy. (The statement was obviously intended to limit the damage she has brought down on her political career.) The Schmidts still have my sympathy, and I wish them another 31 years of happiness.
Nonetheless, when I listened to the 911 recordings I laughed. Louis, I assume that you laughed too.
Barney, I never found domestic strife very funny. Sorry.
Louis G. Atsaves
hi Louis,
Even when it is over the top?
Louis, you are a patronizing idiot. I was basically quoting from yesterday's subscriber-only newsletter verbatim and you know that full well. I respect Miller's copying restrictions and refuse to copy and paste it here. You know this. You are not only a quibbler, not just a defender of the creeps and the thieves and the money grubbers, but you are a liar, Louis. You know those were the words published in Miller's newsletter of Thursday, September 29, 2011 in the 6th paragraph of the Schmidt story, and yet you try to give the impression you have deeper knowledge. Your knowledge, Louis, is as pedestrian as your insight.
Calm down? Get lost you pompous, patronizing, purveyor of pernicious psuedo-profundity. I can go and go on you and with you, Louis. You're a weak, servile, hair-splitting excuse for a mouth piece. I knew Geo as well, Louis. And I cannot believe but that today she would be ashamed of you. Calm down? Do you think exchanges with you take effort or involve an emotional investment? Your posts on TA and Capfax and here ooze the effluence of your self-importance. But this is just sport, little man. Calling you on your specious little word games and your hollow pomposity is a just a fun aside. You however, will now be forever known as the lying lawyer here and wherever you post unless you tell the truth and admit to the readers here that I accurately reported the above mentioned Capfax newsletter.
Anon, quit pretending to be a moron. While you were busy reading the 6th paragraph of the 9/29 edition of Capitol Fax, I was citing the 9/30 edition of Capitol Fax, where Rich Miller decided after agonizing over it, to TELL THE REST OF THE STORY, namely the Suzi Schmidt side, and did.
It really put the Schmidt matter in a whole new light, now didn't it?
Either you are a complete fool or you deliberately mislead others here into thinking I cannot read the English language. In my humble opinion, you deliberately mislead. But as my personal stalker, I have experienced that in the past from you and you certainly did not disappoint today!
Copyright restrictions also prevent me from saying more or quoting the 6th paragraph of the 9/30 edition, (HINT: The next day's edition from the one you claim I was quoting from!) but your DELIBERATE attempt to MISLEAD in your PATHETIC attempt to ATTACK my CREDIBILITY speaks volumes right about now.
I was right. Your comprehension skills are ZERO. You weren't even on the same page and had the wrong edition on the wrong day!
Your head exploding yet?
Louis G. Atsaves
In response to the information you know I was accurately presenting from the capfax blog, you stated that I should pay for a subscription, that I should read it, as if the info I was providing wasn't what Rich Miller was actually saying. You failed to read my posts above, but instead focused, as usually, on what I was saying about you. You aren't even man enough to admit that Rich was clearly stating that Suzi was wrong to not be more forthcoming in her psuedo-apology and that it clearly appeared that she used her position to head off a police investigation. Nothing in any further post on this or any other blog contradicts that. The story of Suzi's husband's infidelity doesn't end with a retraction, doesn't say that her conduct was excusable, and doesn't even say that her lack of candor in her statement this week was understandable. It just tells the tale.
The WHOLE STORY as you scream, doesn't forgive or even explain using a vehicle as a weapon on the public streets. Suzi did that. She was wrong. That's a crime. The WHOLE STORY doesn't explain or excuse her lie to the Sun Times reporter - do you not get that she told the Sun Times reporter that nothing at all happened? Suzi lied to that reporter. She was wrong.
I hope you and everyone here take a moment to read this above exchange again. Louis here has once again tried to foist his condescending, patronizing, but oh-so-limited voice on this blog. He's not man enough to admit his mistakes, and not lawyer enough to even find a single, good impeachable statement in all that I have written.
Gotta go, Louis. Take you meds. Review your trial advocacy notes, because, honestly, you're becoming a light-weight. We should get Ellen on here to deal with you because for most of the Eye readers, you aren't worthy. And, thanks for owning up to the fact I was telling the truth. I like it that you have to be forced not to lie. Yeesh!
Let's everyone take a deep breath and count to 10 before clicking the Publish button?
Yes, it must have been difficult for my Anon multiple site stalker to author those last few posts suffering the after effects of an exploded head.
Louis G. Atsaves
For cryin' out loud, Louis! You posted this last at 3:45am! Get a life. Get a clue. Go to bed. Your inability to logically, truthfully, or forthrightly engage with facts and with concern for the taxpayers could very well be evidence of sleep deprivation. Or, you could just be pompous moron no matter what your condition.
Anon, I have always been an early riser. Comes from way back in the day when I worked a 5:00 a.m. shift.
Take off that tin foil hat. Logical explanations exist for a lot of things that rattle around in your head.
Louis G. Atsaves
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