Dear LakeCountyEye,
I've been laboring at a nearby political blog for many years and would love to come just close to matching your success. Can you share with the little guys where you get your ideas?
Thanks Again
I've been laboring at a nearby political blog for many years and would love to come just close to matching your success. Can you share with the little guys where you get your ideas?
Thanks Again
Dear TA,

Be nice to people on your way up because you'll meet them on your way down.So where does your LakeCountyEye get your LakeCountyEye's ideas? Here's a secret a wise old ancient mesoamerican shaman blogger once imparted upon your LakeCountyEye through an ibogaine induced haze:
Amateurs imitate and pros steal.Take for instance that hilarious Internet Top Ten list posted on this blog yesterday, where your LakeCountyEye poked gentle fun at the unthinking & preconceived stereotypes people have against McHenry County:
A McHenry County Political Survival Guide: Ten Campaign TipsWhere did this bit of buffoonery come from? 100% borrowed from the McHenryCountyBlog. Follow this link to the McHenryCountyBlog and you will see that your LakeCountyEye lifted the complete gag verbatim, and word-for-word:
1) Make friends with the disoriented government pensioners at the McHenryCountyBlog.
2) Watch some Green Acres reruns.
3) That farmer's market really is one.
4) The largest municipality in your district is Wal-Mart.
5) Be sure to attend McHenry County's Antique & Restored Auto Parade, AKA Route 31.
6) Lobbyists may hand you confederate money.
7) Candidates are expected to know the Napoleonic code.
8) Don't forget that livestock are eligible to vote in McHenry County.
9) McHenry County residents are not glad to see you. That's a gun in their pocket.
10) Remember: you're not in Kansas any more.
Ozymandias, I Met a Traveller from an Antique Land
Lake County Political Blogger Offers Advice on How Lake County Candidates Should Prepare for McHenry County VotersTake it from your LakeCountyEye, the McHenryCountyBlog is a treasure-trove of found-humor. Of course, your LakeCountyEye does not cadge exclusively from the McHenryCountyBlog. It goes without saying that many, many other blogs are pilfered from as well. But it is a virtual certainty that the McHenryCountyBlog has never heard of -- let alone ever read -- this blog. And your LakeCountyEye feels confident about appropriating comic material from McHenryCountyBlog for years to come, without having to worry about ever hearing a peep out of them.
Your LakeCountyEye is not particularly proud of these revelations. But in the blog-eat-blog world of Internet blogging, a blogger needs to do what a blogger needs to do.
If you are an elected official, or a previously elected official, or just a private citizen under indictment, send your political questions to Q the Eye c/o ...
BB- I think you need to relax a little. This whole 'blog competition' notion is a little our of control. Most of us (that is, those of us not involved in a flame war with folks in McHenry County) just do this for fun.
On the other hand, I'm always up for a good cage match. We can stage it in the Mettawa Costco parking lot and sell tickets for charity.
hi TA,
Ha ha, I didn't think you'd take the bait. But what the heck it doesn't hurt to try.
Also, I'll drop Ellen a note to let her know you guys just do this for fun.
Hehehe! I love this. You scooped'm on the map and now TA's group has devolved to calling people "communists"!
Dear Cat - I don't know that I would claim the 'communist' commentors over at Team America as 'my group'. In fact, I've been wondering if there is a full moon out or something, as I'm not even sure how that whole thread got started...
BB- Ellen doesn't seem to be commenting much as of late; the "fun" for her probably has long since past since her 10 years of trying to force Mark Kirk out of office has amounted to diddly. She's probably wondering if the new map will redistrict her blog to the 9th - at least she and Dan Seals would then share the same district.
Kirk and Ellen, Kirk and Ellen, Kirk and Ellen, yada yada yada. Whatever......
No foolin, there's commie hunters over on TA!
I love how he comes over here and throws his commenters under the bus. Semper Fidelis, bro!
hi TA,
He he -- you know if the rumors are true and the 10th undergoes a techtonic shift, I wonder what happens to the 10th-o-centric blogs and orgs like 10th Dems?
The LakeCountyEye will be safe from such worries, unless I suppose the County ever decides to secede from the union. Stranger things have happened.
If it works once, try it again, I guess.
hi Cal,
Long time no see.
I like to think of this as a trial & error blog.
Anon 4:11. my blog is an open forum and just because someone comments on my blog doesn't make him or her "my" commentor, and I certainly don't agree with everything everyone says at Team America. It's called freedom of speech, try it sometime.
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