Walshed Out?Walsh, for all intents and purposes, has been redistricted out of the Eighth, and is left with the unenviable choice of choosing from among the least bad of some bad re-election options. Your LakeCountyEye had narrowed the field down to three -- run in either the Eighth, Tenth or Fourteenth Congressional Districts -- that is, until reading Walsh's recent profile in Slate:
Since being sworn in less than six months ago, Walsh has appeared on prime time cable news or Sunday shows 28 times. When Congress is in session, he can appear more than once a week. What the cable bookers get is an excitable, handsome freshman who will say anything.
What Did He Just Say?
Meet Rep. Joe Walsh, the biggest media hound in the freshman class.
And who wouldn't, given the competition? A formidable incumbent President Obama has the Republican field spooked. Their a-list presidential hopefuls have decided to sit this one out, leaving behind a slate of sorry sadsack also-rans. The GOP's great white hope is ... Minnesotan Jim Pawlenty? Seriously, turn on the teevee lights and a bareknuckle media brawler like Walsh would whip a cheese-eating wannabee like Tom Pawlenty into political fondue.
Walsh may be a longshot to get the Republican presidential nomination. But he would be following a long line of GOP presidential trailblazers. Like Donald Trump. And Ron Paul. And Fred Thompson. And Alan Keyes.
Take it to the Broadway Bank ... Joe Walsh for President in 2012!