As readers of this blog are abundantly aware ...
Freak Out
the discrete art of freak-show politics flourishes, brimming with pith and vinegar, and one of its uncompromising habitués is Lake County's very own State Senator Dan Duffy. Its latest breakout, according to
FOX Chicago News, occurred when ...
Two state senators had to be separated by their colleagues Thursday during an ugly argument over a nominee for a political post, trading insults in a spat that escalated until they stood nose to nose in a committee room bickering at one other. The argument between Democratic Sen. Antonio Munoz and Republican Sen. Dan Duffy was over Gov. Pat Quinn's nomination of Terry Cosgrove to serve on the Illinois Human Rights Commission. Cosgrove runs Personal PAC, a group that advocates for abortion rights
Quinn Nomination of Terry Cosgrove Ignites Ill. Senate Dispute
The bare-knuckled Duffy picked a fight with the stringbean Cosgrove over some direct marketing spam Personal PAC sent to mailboxes in Duffy's 26th Senate District. So mean!
Duffy has been no stranger to either to this blog or the local MSM, generously providing both over the years with an abundance of weapons-grade reportage materiel. Regarding his tenure in Springfield, Duffy told the
Pioneer Press (proudly reproduced on his website) ...
"I'm not down there to make friends," Duffy said.
Duffy submits bill restricting red-light cameras
Duffy apparently a man of his word, the remark appears to be no idle boast or threat. The
CapitolFaxBlog got a taste of Senator Duffy's famous fists of fury after attempting to investigate his Facebook page:
The Senator has apparently blocked me from accessing his FB site. He reportedly suggested in a caucus meeting the other day that no Senate Republicans should ever speak to me. Yes, he has quite the little temper.
Temper, temper
What's on the horizon for the State Senate's homegrown Chuck Norris? Duffy told the
Daily Herald he ...
expects to see the boundaries of his district change and is aware he could even be "mapped out" of his district. "I know I'm a target because I've been outspoken regarding a lack of transparency and a lack of ethics guidelines in Illinois," Duffy said. "I know being vocal has been put a target on my back ... but I'm not concerned about it. I can't do anything about it."
Suburban redistricting committee members outline priorities
Not to mention he may be a target because he has no friends -- on either side of the aisle.
Your LakeCountyEye suspects that Duffy secretly hopes to be mapped out of his district, for the opportunity to resign his Senate seat in a blaze of righteous indignation. Your LakeCountyEye, naturally hopes otherwise and wishes Duffy many years of public service to come. There's a Woody Allen joke ...
this guy goes to his psychiatrist and says, "Doc, my brother's crazy. He thinks he's a chicken." And the doctor says, "Well why don't you turn him in?" The guy says, "I would, but I need the eggs."
Annie Hall
Senator Dan Duffy is certainly nobody's chicken. But your LakeCountyEye still needs the eggs.
Since I don’t know enough about Mr. Duffy, except his anti abortion behavior as described in your article, I went to his website. From the site, I believe he is Christian. My suspicion is that he is a choosy Christian. I don’t know. To me a choosy Christian is one who is against abortion but chooses to ignore the conditions that would cause a desperately poor woman to abort a fetus because she can’t feed her children. A choosy Christian would be one who wants to lower taxes but chooses to ignore the misbehavior (greed) of the wealthy that have already used their power to lower their taxes to irrational levels. Please note, I am no Far Left Christian. I had my fill of that form of religion in the 60’s. But Far Right Christian hypocrisy provides great lessons as well.
Some of our Democratic representatives, who happen to be Catholic, have been refused communion by parishes who disagree with their pro-choice stands. One rep had to change parishes to be able to partake in the Mass. So much for giving unto Caesar.
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