Buried in this week's Soapbox was this golden nugget of deadpanned humor:
Is it difficult for us to believe that newspaper reporter Jim Newton would end his 27-year career serving the community for a seat on the Lake County Board with an annual salary of $42,480 plus benefits? It's something we don't see in our business much. But difficult to believe? No, no it isn't.Jim Newton is the News-Sun reporter tapped to replace Suzi Schmidt on the Lake County Board. And the Herald, quite plainly in disbelief how anyone could walk away from a high-salary job in the local newspaper business to be a poorly-compensated County Commissioner, was full of admiration.
Not in it for the money
How substantial a sacrifice is it, to become a public servant? The Barrington Patch (not to be confused with a local-focus Internet blog) has the numbers:
Newton, 48, a resident of Lindenhurst, has worked as a reporter for 26 years. He said he's covered the county board for more than a decade. He plans to leave his newspaper job before being appointed. Newton said the $42,480 county board salary is a lateral move, in financial terms.But, ha ha, don't think for a minute it would've been a lateral move had he been working for the Daily Herald (or for that matter, working for the LakeCountyEye).
Newspaper Reporter Prepares to Serve on Lake County Board
I don't know Jim Newton but I look forward to meeting him. I like the idea of having a hard news reporter that has no political agenda and owes no one anything in that slot on the county board. I know that his apppointment pissed off a lot of establishment republicans who wanted a crony appointed. That can be only a good thing. Great move by Stolman.
I just hope Jim Newton a non-politician can stand up to public scrutiny from both sides. Because of who he is relieving, his life is going to be opened up by both parties; looking into every nook and cranny. Let's hope for a clean past on every front from family to finances.
hi TA,
Thanx, I was wondering if the base regarded Newton as a rino. I imagine they would be none-too-happy over the appointment.
BB- I think certain portions of the "base" were very happy and certain portions were really ticked off. I will leave you to guess who was in which camp.
Wasn't this the same guy who wrote glowing reviews of Suzie during the campaign and after her election? Something smells.
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