With the prospect of the schools being slowly bled to death -- or worse dismembered, parcel by parcel -- your LakeCountyEye would advise school administrators against divesting their assets & infrastructure to realize the quick buck and focus instead on those long-term strategies that will lock-in a healthy ROI for years to come.
Case in point, Fremont Elementary School. The Daily Herald has the blow by blow:
Fremont Elementary District 79 officials say they will sell 10 acres that will not be needed in the future. District 79 Communications Coordinator Margaret Van Duch said the undeveloped parcel at Route 83 and Ivanhoe Road will be sold through sealed bids to a potential developer. The district does not know when the bid process would begin. If no bids are received, a Realtor will be brought in to help sell the property, Van Duch said.But your LakeCountyEye asks, with 10 acres of prime, close-to-schools real-estate, why sell when you can turn that asset into a cash-cow money maker? There are a literal slew of development opportunities just waiting to transform your acreage into high-yield investment property, and a bigger slew of eager developers waiting to make it happen. Don't throw away taxpayer money by converting your land into unnecessary athletic fields and parking facilities. Instead, here are ten tried-and-true turn-key opportunities for improving that unused property into a developed asset, requiring little to no up-front investment from the principal stakeholders.
District 79 to sell "unneeded" parcel
Ten Ways to Turn Unused School Acreage into Big $$$ |
And look for your LakeCountyEye's newest University of Phoenix Degree Program: Blogging for the Big Bux
"We are a non partisan blog covering politics in and around Lake County IL."
In case you've forgotten your blog's motto, BB, I like to remind you guys of it every now and again with posts like this one.
You might also want to point that out to LC Truth, IrishRocketGirl, Redtail and your other contributors.
My blog is clearly a Republican blog, but we don't apologize for it, because, hey, we admit it. You might want to give that philosophy some thought.
Yeah TA is right....maybe it is time the Eye just get the label of a "Progressive Blog".
Don't let the wingnut thought police get to you, Eye. Just because your opinions don't align with their narrow world view, you're labeled as "partisan" & "progressive?" Wow.
If they don't like your opinions, they can stop stalking your blog.
hi TA,
Your suggestions are always appreciated. I will pass them along at the next editorial meeting.
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