Illinois Novembers are unpredictable, and the first order of business on the night before an election is to dress properly. A good disguise should both conceal your identity but not attract unnecessary attention. Luckily Halloween was Sunday and the Lady Gaga get-up is not due back at the costume shop for a few days.
Daily Herald

On the road for about an hour now and the backseat is already crammed with
Pioneer Press
02:29 am / 11.02.10
Sadly your LakeCountyEye is currently lost in what has to be Northern Wisconsin. The GPS goes on the fritz whenever near the magnetic North Pole. Which is why your LakeCountyEye never embarks upon a road-trip without the backup singers. Here, a Vandella asks a nice frontiersman for directions to civilization.
Mecca and spiritual home to your LakeCountyEye, Chicago is a must stop prior to every election. (In Chicago the polling places have expanded hours to receive the graveyard shift.) Here your LakeCountyEye makes a quick pass through Ward 40, to pick up some absentee ballots in Precinct 45.
City of Chicago 40th Ward
A bridge too far -- busted in Bridgeport! It is unknown when your LakeCountyEye will be able to make bail or retrieve the laptop from the County Sheriff Impound. Hopefully this will all transpire some time before the polls close on Tuesday to post the 2010 Election liveblog!
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