Dear LakeCountyEye,
Help! There is an election soon, I'm down in the polls. I thought elections were about money, manpower, message. My message seems to be: Where's the money? Where's the manpower?
Countdown to Victory
Help! There is an election soon, I'm down in the polls. I thought elections were about money, manpower, message. My message seems to be: Where's the money? Where's the manpower?
Countdown to Victory
Dear Down for the Count,

The Numbers RacketCommission a legitimate-looking poll that purports to show you neck-and-neck with your opponent. Then get some downstate free-shopper weekly to publish your poll. (Quincy, IL is in Illinois, isn't it?) Then shop the story around to the real media. Local MSM reporters can be counted on to be gullible & indolent enough to swallow your fake poll verbatim, and thank you for the scoop.
Reading between the lines of the Daily Herald, that's exactly what one local candidate did ...
But since then, "donations have been pouring in like you wouldn't believe," [Nick] Provenzano said. "It was like the spigot turned on." He points to a We Ask America poll released Sept. 30 showing Walsh and Bean tied at 41 percent apiece as a catalyst, saying it forced people to pay more attention.And that candidate is now dining on caviar and champagne, while only a few weeks ago he was reduced to a diet of beans and cheap wines.
8th Congressional Dist. candidate Walsh turns to TV
Do the same and your LakeCountyEye guarantees election night will be all champagne wishes and caviar dreams.
If you are an elected official, or a previously elected official, or just a private citizen under indictment, send your political questions to Q the Eye c/o ...
1 comment:
BB....Nick P obviously didn't get you the memo. It is a gimmick to raise money to pay off old debt, liens, attorney fees, SR-22s and what have you.
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