There will be no need for Operatives to schlep themselves to the voting booth tomorrow. They can learn the names of tomorrow's winners and losers -- today -- and right here on this blog. Internal polls conducted in-house, and out-sourced to
We Mask America, have surveyed with scientific rigor each and every registered voter in the county; and your LakeCountyEye can predict with mathematical precision the outcome of tomorrow's the November 2 election.
The margin of error on your LakeCountyEye polls have been certified to fall within a fault-tolerance margin trivial to the point of ridiculosity. All of which enables your LakeCountyEye to pledge a double-your-money-back guarantee on election predictions. You heard right. If any prediction posted here proves to be wrong on election day, your LakeCountyEye will double back the investment dollars lost on your campaign
bet donation.
It is a proven record of over-confidence, hubris and chutzpah that enables your LakeCountyEye to pass the savings back to you!
State Representative: 52nd Dist |
 | Mark H. Beaubien, Jr. | Republican |
| No Candidate | Democratic |
State Representative: 60th Dist |
| No Candidate | Republican |
 | Rita Mayfield | Democratic |
North Shore Sanitary District: Ward 4 |
 | James E. Swarthout | Republican |
| No Candidate | Democratic |
Lake County Treasurer |
 | Robert Skidmore | Republican |
| No Candidate | Democratic |
Lake County Board Member: Dist 13 |
 | Susan Loving Gravenhorst | Republican |
| No Candidate | Democratic |
Lake County Board Member: Dist 21 |
 | Ann B. Maine | Republican |
| No Candidate | Democratic |
Judge Appellate Court: 2nd Dist |
 | Ann B. Jorgensen | Republican |
| No Candidate | Democratic |
Judge Appellate Court: 2nd Dist |
 | Mary S. Schostok | Republican |
| No Candidate | Democratic |
Accept no substitute, satisfaction guaranteed or double your money back. Your LakeCountyEye challenges operatives to find a comparable ROI from some Gallup poll!
On Sunday polls came out that showed Wash over bean (ugly visual there) and Seal losing to Dold. Tomorrow will be the final poll. Wonder how eye will be able to live if these two results are duplicated in tomorrow's election.
hi Goodmongo,
If you mean the new We Ask America poll, I wonder who would bother doing a poll on Halloween and only 2 days before an election. If not to push an agenda? I'm taking any bets against Bean.
BB, who would take a poll? Try like Gallup, PPP, Newsweek, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Rasmussen, SurveyUSA, etc etc etc. In other words everyone did. I don't know the track record of WeAskAmerica so to be honest I am not sure what to make of it. But I will say that in my area I see many more Walsh sings than Bean signs. And Gallup genetic has repubs way up. Does it mean anything? We will know in about 12 to 15 hours. And the bet is bragging rights. I promise to come on here and give cudos to you and Bean if she wins. Will you do the same if Walsh wins?
hi Goodmongo,
Absolutely. If Walsh wins I'll eat my green-eyeshade.
BB, looks like it might be some green eye shade for lunch. Not to mention Dold also winning. But Bean can blame herself first. She was the one voting on the bad bills and then never came out to meet with us to ask for forgiveness for those terrible votes. And she had 2 million to his 300k. She should have spent some of it.
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