A WLS-TV long-shot captured the Grayslake HS debate stage. Participating in the debate were Joe Walsh (l), Melissa Bean (c) and Bill Scheurer (r) ...
8th District candidates face off in forum
The NorthWest Herald posted a medium shot of Walsh and Bean ...
A testy confrontation at congressional forum
Your LakeCountyEye smuggled in a Polaroid and managed to snap a few lo-rez images in the badly lit auditorium. This one looks like Scheurer, Walsh and Bean ...
Some of these color Polaroid slides are a little grainy. Your LakeCountyEye believes this a close-up of Joe Walsh signalling the audience ...
This will be the last Joe Walsh post on this blog. Operatives have been instructed to invoke their 2nd Amendment Rights and shoot your LakeCountyEye in the event that any more appear.
I can’t resist the parallels in our history. 1970. Left Wing Radical Chic. 40 years later - TO THE YEAR – Right Wing Radical Thug. In high school, I attended my first League of Women Voters sponsored debate. I was so impressed with the League and it’s professionalism. So, this Grayslake thing sent some real negative feelings up.
Just over 120 hours until the election results start pouring in. I am trying to contact the Walsh Campaign to let him know I have some scrap estimates from area scrap dealers for his horse trailer since it WILL NOT be going to Washington.
Can we just shoot you even if you don't mention Walsh again? I really hope that Bean goes down because she sold us all out with her votes on cap and tax, oblmacare and the stupid stimulus. I would vote for anyone but her. Hopefully in 2012 there will be a better opponent and she can just leave.
LC Truth - I happened to stop by Walsh headquarters when they were doing one of their poll watcher training sessions and the lady from the County Clerk's office made the comment that she had NEVER been to a training session before where that many people attended. And, there are even more of those training sessions scheduled! This may turn out to be an early upset which will allow you to hit the sack early Tuesday night.
Then we can meet for a 'beer summit' on Wednesday at the Buffalo Wings Bar & Grill on Rollins Road about 7:00.
What I want to know is how somone who is against the 2nd amendment is going to shoot themseleves since they will have to talk about Walsh after he wins.
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