The League of Women Voters' moderator gamely laid out the rules of the evening after the participants were introduced -- no yelling or clapping for candidates, no partisan displays. She specified that the rules were intended to allow the most possible time for the candidates to air their views and to set a good example for the Grayslake High students who had set up the debate and were running portions of it.
No sooner had she finished explaining these rules than a Walsh supporter yelled out, "What about the Pledge of Allegiance?" As she was explaining that a recitation of the pledge was not part of the agenda, the Walsh supporters rose en masse and began reciting it. All the while, Walsh was grinning like the cat who ate the canary. "Who me direct these people? (C'mon, my people, give it to them!)"
Since when did the Pledge of Allegiance become a weapon? Great example for the kids, guys.
=== Since when did the Pledge of Allegiance become a weapon? ===
Since when did the Pledge of Allegiance become something to be ashamed of?
Yea Team!! Sure. Since when did following an agenda become something to defeat? Since when did disrupting a simple meeting become something to be proud of? Since when did behaving like Radical 60's Long Hair Lunatics become something to imitate. Bet you’re proud of the behavior of the Fixed News guys. Oh, that's right, they’re thugs and bastards, but they’re YOUR thugs and bastards.
It is was a fresh from the Jerry Springer Crowd. Complete disrespect.
Now with present company excluded and you also TA, how come right wing blogs, Tea Party blogs designed for the people who constantly scream about 1st Amendment infringements, will block any post that disagrees with them?
=== Tea Party blogs designed for the people who constantly scream about 1st Amendment infringements, will block any post that disagrees with them? ===
It's certainly not only right-wing blogs that do that, LC. As you might know, the whole reason I started my blog was to provide a counter-balance to the uber-liberal Ellen of the Tenth, who will not let 'unbelievers' comment. That's why I never delete comments on my blog because I may disagree with the comment.
But, back to the subject, the characterization of the Walsh supporters use of the Pledge as a "weapon" in redtail's post is what really got me, I think. From what I read, it does seem they could have exhibited more decorum at the debate, however.
There's a difference between patriotism and jingoism. What occurred at the debate falls in the second category. This kind of mob mentality is very dangerous.
Exactly the point I was trying to make, Bystander. Chilling. Even Team would have thought so.
If we have reach the point where in this country when it is disrespectful to say the Pledge of Allegiance during a Political Debate for high office, the United States is totally done as a great nation.
You do not see the sign of this times
To Paraphrase Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
First the critics will ignore the TEA Party!
Then the critics will laugh at TEA Party!!
Then critics will fight the TEA Party!!!
Then the TEA Party will win!!!!
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