Operatives are invited to the Shedd Aquarium. Your LakeCountyEye has a new summer job and will be wrestling the alligators. Shows are at 10, 2 and 4pm thru Labor Day, students and seniors be sure to ask for your $3 discount off the admission price!
Some LakeCountyEye FAQs:
Q: Is alligator wrestling dangerous?
A: Unquestionably.
Q: Why don't you quit?
A: What, and leave show business?!
Needless to say, with the additional workload this blog will necessarily & unfortunately suffer as a consequence. Until your LakeCountyEye is divested by the Shedd (or digested as the case may be) please enjoy this encore presentation of a 2006 post:
Wednesday, May 10, 2006 Mehlman's Gayonnaise
RNC big-gun Ken Mehlman has blown into Lake County to plug the Illinois gay marriage ban. Backers of the anti-gay ballot initiative are saying they have enough signatures to see the referendum on the November ballot. The referendum is widely expected to buck up Republican election turnout. Illinois's newest political blog, TheCapitolFaxBlog, has the details: Will the gay marriage amendment impact November? Mehlman will be on the stump for Republican Congressional candidates -- most recently he was seen standing behind his man in the Eighth District, David McSweeney ...  Mehlman on McSweeney With an election referendum in place designed to give the voters a chance to bash teh gays in the ballot box, McSweeney is hoped to beat back an incumbent Melissa Bean, where the two are widely believed to be locked in a tight contest.
Campaign sources tell your LakeCountyEye, however, to expect instead a blowout. With the uber-right-wing McSweeney getting a leg-up up from the RNC's uber-heterosexual Mehlman, this one won't even be close. Bean marches in lockstep with the failed European-style socialist policies of House Speaker Tom Foley, and your LakeCountyEye predicts an easy win for McSweeney. If Phil Crane wasn't still alive, he would not be turning in his grave come November.
Where a gay marriage ban will make a difference is in other congressional races, like in the 10th and the 18th Districts. Having an RNC-sponsored anti-gay referendum on the November ballot gives the whip hand to vulnerable Republican candidates like Mark Kirk and Aaron Schock who are currently jammed up against impregnable Democratic opponents.
Posted by Barney Baxter at 12:19 AM 121 comments 
Labels: McSweeney, Bean |
Operatives are advised to lace up their
crocs and hurry down to the Shedd before it's too late!
So will Kirk be there? Inquiring minds want to know...
hi Joe,
Kirk will be there. Look for the Navy Seals.
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