If Mark Kirk was hoping to consummate a campaign stop-loss policy, he probably should not have talked to the
"I simply misremembered it wrong," Rep. Kirk said of the "Intelligence Officer of the Year" award he listed on his resume and boasted about on the floor of Congress.
Kirk says he 'misremembered' military record
If operatives think the remark would make a good headline, it did.
Your LakeCountyEye reviewed a transcript of the entire
Sun-Times missive. A miscellany of ten misconceptions, therein and herewith, that 10th Congressional District Congressman Kirk hoped to dismiss:
10 Additional Admissions Submitted by Mark Kirk |
- Recent attacks do not contain a missemblance of truth
- Regrettably, misappropriated means were taken
- Hopes to mispel any disconceptions about his record
- Always tried to maintain a professional misdemeanor
- The press should focus on the Rod Blagojevich mistrial
- It is miscumbent upon Senator Burris to misrepresent Illinois
- You've got to misaccentuate the positive
Miseliminate the negative Latch on to the misaffirmative Don't miss with mister in-between
- I dissemble that remark
- Failed mob banker, Dislexi Disingennoulias
- Misunderestimated how easy it is to be mistook for George W Bush
Your LakeCountyEye: mispensing mispatches for your miscrete misportment.
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Kirk has garnered another award! Congratulations, Kirk!
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