Thursday, April 8, 2010

Write as Rain

Your LakeCountyEye was surfing the Internets this week ...
Rein of Error
And trolled up some stories from the Daily Herald ... SharpEyed Operatives may notice it is not clear whether the sources quoted by the Herald meant rein, reign or possibly rain. Of course answers can be obtained by anyone with the inclination to make the phonecalls -- and your LakeCountyEye brooks no peer when it comes to the pursuit of scientific research. With that in mind, your LakeCountyEye is pleased to issue a challenge to Operatives: How often, between now and the November election, can someone be grammatically misquoted by the Daily Herald and other local print media?

The rules of the challenge are simple. Make a statement to a newspaper, one that is grammatically incorrect when committed to the printed page. This is not to be confused with being out-and-out misquoted in print -- an ability which requires no special effort or skill. You are being challenged to make a statement that will be grammatically misrepresented in print. Some suggested statements ...
  • "We need to rein in out-of-control government spending."
  • "We cannot give free rein to out-of-control government spending."
  • "We have to tighten the reins on out-of-control government spending."
  • "We must end the reign of out-of-control government spending."
  • "The rain in Spain stays mainly in the out-of-control government spending."
Simply make your statement to a reporter. Then wait and see what gets printed. Nothing else is required of you, other than make sure they spell your name correctly. Please do not contact your LakeCountyEye on how to get quoted in print. If you do not know, you are automatically not eligible to enter the contest. Only LakeCountyEye Operatives with the necessary media savvy or political clout need apply -- which by definition encompasses all LakeCountyEye Operatives.

Please do not to submit your entries here. Your LakeCountyEye will be monitoring the print media for your statements. Eligible print outlets include, but are not limited to: the Tribune, the Sun-Times, the News-Sun, the Daily Herald, the NorthWest Herald, the Lake County Journal. Your LakeCountyEye will not be monitoring blogs. The only time a blogger pays any attention to their grammar is when they pay her a visit to pick up their birthday check.

Only orally made statements are eligible for consideration. Statements submitted to the media electronically or on paper defeat the purpose of the challenge. In addition, you may be contacted in instances where it appears you were accurately quoted. The use of profanity is not encouraged by your LakeCountyEye. However, any cuss words that do appear in print are to be given honorable mention. All judges's decisions are final.

The LakeCountyEye 2010 Election Challenge will remain open through the period of this year's general election. The following LakeCountyEye Honors will be awarded based on scores tallied, as of midnight Nov 3:
LakeCountyEye 2010 Election Challenge
1Rein Man
2Reign Maker
3 or MoreRaining Monarch
Act now -- there is no time too loose when government spending is out-of-control!

1 comment:

Crazy4glf said...

Reign in spending except for pre-emptive strikes, reconciliation-passed tax cuts that did nothing, and an unfunded Medicare Reform act that did nothing to limit the increased cost of prescription drugs.

Is this a 'born again' crop of fiscal conservatives?

I think that the GOP needs to change their name to the opportunists club:

Romney: in favor of equal rights and health care reform until now.

Sen. Brown: in favor of MA healthcare reform because that was 'different' (if by different he means more stringent and comprehensive, he is correct).

Bush: talked about a smaller, workable government then proceeded to expand it and move departments around like it was 3 card monty, which is probably how he ran his businesses. Harvard must be so proud.

Gov. Perry: Secede only to be followed by can we have more money for pandemic prevention/treatment and NASA?

Then there's Sanford, Foley, Craig, Gingrich, Hyde, and Burton...
Let's not forget that reliable sources say that Ensign has an indictment coming down soon.

Pre-emptive strike of my own: no one has ever even implied that Dem's are perfect. However, for the most part, we do not imply that OUR faith is superior (Ms. Coulter?), use veiled verbiage to critique the President (Limbaugh, Hannity, and the like), and that we are always fiscal conservatives.

I wonder how much public money was spent on the 'McConnell Center' in Louisville. Was that not pork?

Dem's realize that there are people without the health insurance government officials have (and can recuse themselves from). We know how successful the New Deal was and where we'd be without it. We know that bridges to nowhere lead to, well, nowhere and when asked what we read, we can say more than 'whatever they put in front of me.'

Finally, I've never been to that club in Hollywood where the RNC dropped $2,000 much less expensed it.