She's everywhere, she's everywherecharacterizing Sente as a white tornado. (Someone must've tipped off the News Hound that Sente is pretty good with a kitchen mop.)
A quick review of the LakeCountyEye archives show that within the past couple of months Sente has hosted/sponsored no less than ...
- 2 legislative office open houses
- 2 townhalls
- a health care roundtable
- 2 coffees (according to sources, caffeinated)
- a retirement center Q & A
- a clothing drive
- 6 advisory committees
- a good neighbor award
1) In Oslo, per Obama's request. To to pick up a Peace Prize.
2) Convening a citizen advisory committee on what additional citizen advisory committees need to be convened.
3) Hosting a seminar on how to beat the red light cameras. 9am Sharp.
4) Throwing an election fundraiser at JoAnn Osmond's legislative office.
5) Composting unsightly Elliott Hartstein yardsigns.
6) Periodically to be holding her breath to reduce CO2 levels.
7) Mr Madigan's towncar. Springfield JiffyLube. 'Nuff said.
8) Sente will be making a list. Checking it twice. Gonna find out who's naughty or nice.
9) Pledging to return all legislative pay raises between now and the year 2050.
10) Signing some paperwork for Terry Link.
And then tomorrow morning, Sente plans to be ... well your LakeCountyEye needs a nap. Watch for a future post.
2) Convening a citizen advisory committee on what additional citizen advisory committees need to be convened.
3) Hosting a seminar on how to beat the red light cameras. 9am Sharp.
4) Throwing an election fundraiser at JoAnn Osmond's legislative office.
5) Composting unsightly Elliott Hartstein yardsigns.
6) Periodically to be holding her breath to reduce CO2 levels.
7) Mr Madigan's towncar. Springfield JiffyLube. 'Nuff said.
8) Sente will be making a list. Checking it twice. Gonna find out who's naughty or nice.
9) Pledging to return all legislative pay raises between now and the year 2050.
10) Signing some paperwork for Terry Link.
You have done some sleuth work lately on some Republicans. Let’s see how good you are pulling the facts out on Democrats. A typical legislator has enough of a budget to have an office and hire one person to run the office. They might be able to send out a district wide mailer if they are real careful with their money. Word on the street is that Madigan is going to pump staff and money into Sente’s office on the states dime to boost her name recognition. Like that has never happened in politics right? If you are real good, and want to go after a Democrat, you will get some good photos of the many staffers working for Sente and you might even pull any info on mailings sent out on her behalf through Madigan’s office. Are you up to the challenge?
Let's see the Repubs take responsibility for their questionable actions first, like Ms. Osmond and her staff.
Like the poor quality candidates for governor on the right side of the aisle.
Like the failure of Illinois GOP Members of Congress trying to do what is right for the nation and not just their party.
Its easy to call out the other side.
Its much harder to do what is right.
Kudos to the Eye for being somewhat equal - something TA or the GOP in general still have to learn about in class.
Mr. Crazy:
Mr. BB did a good job of finding all the "alleged" ethics problems by a republican. Good for him, that is what the public at large should be doing. If and when any of the "alleged" issues become legal issues in the courts then we can start calling for republican heads.
If you go back and re-read my post all I did was ask Mr. BB to do the same research as he did on a republican. I did not say Sente did anything wrong. I am sure there are other legislators both republican and democrat that would love all the resources Madigan is pouring into her office to get her re-elected.
Hi Anon,
The LakeCountyEye is up for any challenge. If you or anyone else has some specific news to report, please send it to: LakeCountyEye@gmail.com
We will publish it here.
I am formally making the report that Sente is getting more resources to run her office than is typical of how much legislators are allotted. I am making the accusation that this is to boost her name recognition in advance of her election in February. I further report that the Mayor from BG must be asleep at the wheel as he has not said one thing about what the rest of us see as OBVIOUS.
Hi Anon,
Thanks for the tip. For the record, it is common practice for Springfield House & Senate leadership to distribute campaign resources to help their preferred candidates. Both Democrats & Republicans.
I realize this is common practice. Does that mean it is right? This is more a political issue that a legal one. The bottom line is that Madigan is pouring lots of money and man-power into Sente's campaign on the taxpayer dime. At some point 'Da Mayor' needs to go on the attack. Time will tell.
Hi Anon,
I agree. Not only it is not right, it is illegal to use tax dollars for campaign purposes. Which is why the ethics complaints filed against Linda Pedersen and JoAnn Osmond may have serious consequences. However those complaints included documentation, some of which was reproduced on this blog.
What evidence or documentation do you have to support your accusation?
Actually, your post is the documentation. She cannot do all those things with the budget that legislators are given. That means she is given extra resources by Madigan. At no point have I said this is illegal. I have always maintained this is a political issue. Madigan also I am sure has a budget and he probably just allocated more resources her way. These added resources just happen to be to a newbe legislator in the middle of a primary to boost her name recognition.
Hi Anon,
You said this morning ...
The bottom line is that Madigan is pouring lots of money and man-power into Sente's campaign on the taxpayer dime.
Which if true would be illegal.
Good pick-up. Not what I meant to write. Madigan is pouring money and man-power into Sente's district office which is obvious. Allows him to use tax-payer money to boost her name recognition DURING a campaign. Legal, probably. Ethical, doubtful.
I am sure both parties do this. Not that it makes it right.
Like I said, not sure what the mayor of BG is waiting for.
Hi Anon,
Use of tax-payer money for campaign purposes is illegal.
But I'm sure you know that.
Question: What is the line between "constituent services" and campaigning?
Answer: What ever Madigan declares it.
Hi Anon,
Well, if you're going to play that game you can throw that sort of mud at any elected official and make it stick. Dan Duffy has invited constituents to meet him on Tuesdays. Constituent services or campaigning? Willard Helander was mandated to publicize early voting. She used taxpayer dollars to buy ads on FoxNews. Shrug.
The point of our little discussion has always been the line between campaigning and constituent services. If a legislator does not do some out reach they are attacked. The point with Sente is the amount of out reach is obviously intended to boost her name ID. She happens to be doing it during an election. As I have asked, Is she getting more help from Madigan than a typical legislator? I think she is.
By the way, first thing you learn in blogging is to put up a new post when the first one goes south on you. Nice job changing the subject with a new post on Duffy!
Hi Anon,
Thanks for clearing that up. Judging by the way you've been been bobbing & weaving I wasn't sure what the point of this discussion was. Also, fyi, the first thing I learned in blogging is that no one pays any attention to these blogs.
I wrote one thing wrong, agreed that was written wrong and you come to the comclusion that I am bobbing and weaving. Funny.
The old adage applies that when you lose an argument just attack or change the subject. You win the nod on both counts. To bad as I do like a good discussion.
Hi Anon,
Aye, you must value this opportunity for discussion. Considering some of your response times.
You responded to a post on Tuesday after a 9 minute interval, later there was a 1 hour and 49 minute response. Wednesday there was a 21 minute response interval, then a 22 minute response, then an 8 minute response.
It seems you keep a close eye on this blog. More closely than I monitor it!
Anyways if I misread your text or your intentions, mea culpa. That sort of thing does happen in this form of communication.
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