Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Chew-the-Fat Tuesday!

It used to be that Springfield legislators were in session only 6 months of the year. Now it seems like the Thanksgiving/New Year's break is the only free time remaining for our legislators. Naturally your LakeCoutyEye wonders how they make use of this interval. An informative e-mail sent by one LakeCountyEye operative:

The operative, high within the ranks of the grammar-police, notes there are far too many apostrophes in ...
Senator Dan Duffy Announces Talk 2 Me Tuesday's!
Your LakeCountyEye suspects there are too many exclamation points as well.

Other noticeable faux pas's include:
After the legislature reconvenes in February, Senator Duffy will continue his policy of meeting anyone who would like to see him.
If the Illinois General Assembly website is to be believed, the Senate will be convening on January 12, 2010 ...

Illinois General Assembly
Possibly Sen Duffy anticipates being delayed by the expanse of red-light cameras between Lake County and Springfield?

Finally, Duffy's gnomic message ...
If you are unable to read this, click here
was obviously not intended for any of the sharp-eyed LakeCountyEye operatives. Being no less than your LakeCountyEye, your LakeCountyEye is able to read it quite clearly. But one defining trait of your LakeCountyEye is an implacable curiosity. Any not-so-sharp-eyed op who is unable to read Duffy's message, is asked to please click and send your intel back to ...
A terrific prize awaits the first to respond: some face time with a local Senator.
Identity of Senator to be announced at a later date.


Anonymous said...

Think he would do an interview with the Eye?

Barney Baxter said...

Hi Anon,
He would be ill-advised to, imo.